[RR] Winner Takes All RR - North America Edition


The winner for Group 646 is @misslyss :tada:

The winner of Group 648 is @uconn :tada:

The addresses have been sent!

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Ready to mail

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646 & 648 in the mail tomorrow!

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646 & 648 going out 2/9. :cupid:

Join please 651 & 652, thanks Whit! :heart:

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I’ll join 645, please.

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624 @sunflak Thank you Sundra for this Charley Harper card! :smiley: I haven’t seen snow for a bit, but plenty of rain and fog last month. I wasn’t too keen on driving in the fog & rain at night when transporting items between houses, lol.


637 from @LaurenceB omg - retro skyline Miami with the cutest stickers and matching postmark. I’m so thrilled with this card and will definitely remember this cool mailing experience. Hope you are having the best time!! :desert_island::sunny::dark_sunglasses:

637 from @dnrhott I really love your sticker collage and all the different stickers it is totally my vibe and a favorite. Thanks so much!


G 650 stickers for me please.

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@postbot roll 1d5

:game_die: 1

@postbot roll 1d4


:game_die: 4


The winner for Group 642 is @Citrine28 :tada:

The winner of FF131 is @CrimsonKing :tada:

The addresses have been sent!


For Group 613 Thank you @sleepyhippo1 for the delicious looking pie card! Nice to hear you’re a baker! I wish I could master a good crust then I would make (razzle-berry) pie more often since it is my favorite dessert!

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642 going out 2/12. :cupid:

Join please 653 & FF132, thanks Whit! :heart:

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638 was mailed out today.

Received for group 644
@Citrine28 And. @dnrhott
Both sent great stickers on great cards. Thank you

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Group 648 was mailed yesterday :mailbox:

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639 & FF130 both from @Citrine28 Thank you Karissa for these great cards! (639): I wanted to watch the Grammy’s as well, but completely forgot about it, haha. Love the heart stickers on the back. :heart: (FF130): Thank you for the Birthday & Valentine’s card! :smiley: We’re going out on the 13th to avoid some of the crowding that takes place, we’re not huge fans of crowds. :slight_smile: Has it been a few years already that we’ve been sending cards to each other? Where has time gone?! :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :thinking: :crazy_face:


637 from @CrimsonKing horse postcard with a cute sticker collage. I love the minions :smile: and put in a new order of twinkle labels today. :two_hearts: Thanks!


For Group 613 - food/drink , thank you @Beachyblonde for the awesome coffee card. I love coffee too and although this looks almost too pretty to drink, I’d have to go for that caffeine!

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