[RR] North American October Round Robin - The Apple Cider Edition - Closed

Just a reminder that you’re number 11 :wink:


#22 uconn
Remaining cards will make today’s pickup.

Thanks! @cawindt I got it mixed up, as I’m #25 in the international group. I can assure you, however, all of my cards have the correct month on them.

#11 - I have sent all remaining cards


The rest of my postcards will go to the post office first thing tomorrow morning.
2,4,6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

#13 has mailed:

1-4, 6-12, 15-19, 21, 23, 25-26, 28-30

Waiting on a postcard delivery for the rest!

#16 @jacieslar All of my postcards are in the mail!

#22 uconn

#6 @mikeyz1 cool cave card and old stamps

#16 @jacieslar thanks for the birthday wishes.


#4 has received my first cards

16 @jacieslar : Halloween :jack_o_lantern: It’s 80ish right now and I have all the windows open to soak up that fresh air!

19 @ellistrations : delicious Cherry Coke. I have loving having the windows open! Only on the South does 82 mean cool :laughing:

Thank you!


#19 received

#16 @jacieslar - thank you! This is precious! Happy Halloween! We don’t really do anything except to put up our Fall décor. We barely have any kids come to our door for trick-or-treating. When they do, we hand out sodas, haha!


#16 @jacieslar Thank you for the birthday wishes! I am planning to see the ballet Swan Lake with my family on the big day. And probably cake & ice cream too! :smile:

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#7–So much to celebrate in October!

World Postcard Day from @CrimsonKing #7

Halloween greetings from @jacieslar #16

Thank you for the darling postcards!


#7–Yesterday I goofed–I typed the wrong # for Crimson King–she is #2, not #7. I’ll try to be a better typist today.
I received some fun cards today:

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach – “A Mouse’s Halloween”–so cute!

#15 @AccentOnHakes – Official Postcard Day 2023 from a Postcrossing meetup. I’ve been to a Zoom meetup but never an “in person” one.

#19 @ellistrations – Beautiful floral postcard–one of my favorites, too.


@RuhRohRaggy #11
Thank you for the cabbage postcard. I love everything fall- especially apple donuts! :apple:

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#14 hazygirl reporting

#7 @alcott1 sent Chihuly at the Missouri Botanical Garden. They sometimes have the Chihuly at places near here and I always say I’m going to go to one but I haven’t gotten there yet.

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach sent a great Lou Paper Halloween card. Don’t worry, so far you haven’t missed much by way of October weather since it’s been close to 80 or ridiculously raining for the past two weeks.

#16 @jacieslar sent the super cute trick or treating House Mouse designs. The cat stamp is awesome! I’ve never seen one of those before. WOWSA

#22 @uconn sent Paddy’s Clam House which at one time was apparently “quite a busy place” , now it’s a Capital One bank. That’s too bad, I would love to have the chance to talk about their “talk of the town” whole lobster. They sure don’t caption cards like they used to. This is great!


#22 uconn

#1 @cawindt nice old stamps on this Niagara WPD card, thanks

#2 @CrimsonKing thanks for the birthday wishes and Halloween skeletons

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach we’ve had so much rain the fall colors will be late this year, so not much has changed yet. Thanks for his great Halloween card

#15 @AccentOnHakes nice hand cancel and old stamps on this WPD card, thanks!

#19 @ellistrations whoa, that writing is upside down lol. Is what i said trying to read this! Great Darwin prehistoric skulls! Thanks

#26 @sarahaeyo great Salem Halloween card. Thanks. I’ve been there in Halloween.
I have never been to a meet-up


#19 received many great cards!

#1 @cawindt - thank you! I think this one has the most signatures I’ve received on a meetup card. Fun!

#2 @CrimsonKing - thank you! You read my mind! I saw this one in your albums and thought “I would love that!” Appreciate the birthday wishes.

#9 @WrenAtTheBeach - thank you! Happy to hear you’ve recovered some and the elbow down is the most important part for writing, haha! Hoping you get some better news soon.

#14 @Hazygirl - thank you! This little guy is perfect for the collection. I think this smile is pretty classic as well.

#15 @AccentOnHakes - thank you! Love the hand stamp. I’m looking forward to my next meetup in a couple weeks!


#11 received from

#16 @jacieslar a cat- themed Halloween card. Cute washi tape too.

#17 @sarapdx a fairy and a cute cat drawing on the back. I appreciate you sharing about a hiking area you enjoy. I will have to check it out

Thank you both!


#6 reporting

#1 @cawindt sent a fun meet-up card for WPD!

#15 @AccentOnHakes sent a WPD card too from a different meetup. A different meetup from Craig even though they’re so close!

#16 @jacieslar sent a fun Halloween card, a ghost reading a booK!

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