[RR] North American December 2021 Round Robin - The Give the Gift of Postcards Edition - Closed

If this possible I would like Join this month again (#20)
Christmas,New Year ,winter and Holidays cards are welcome:)

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Me please if thereā€™s room!


Four spots remain

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Iā€™ll jump in if there is space left.

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There sure is! Welcome back #17 :slight_smile:

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If thereā€™s still room Iā€™ll join again

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Hope Iā€™m not too late :slight_smile:


You made it! :wink:

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Join please

DRAT!!! Late by a minute. See you all in 2022.


I decided not to join this month because family life is taking a lot of time, 30 cards was too much! But Iā€™ll see you all in 2022 as well!

I have opened up an Alternative group if other members have not been able to join in time. :blush:


Oops. It looks like Iā€™m too late. Ah well, I have bunches of Christmas cards to send.


Well, this filled in 18 hours, like November. Addresses will be sent soon!

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Addresses have been sent!

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#2 - All my cards are going out today!

:christmas_tree: :snowman_with_snow: :heart:

#9 sent to 14, 18, 19, 25 so far.

Please note that scoutingbearā€™s address was updated after I sent the address list. The address list now reflects the change.

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#9 scoutingbear reporting: 1, 2, 13, 17, 30 are all headed out tomorrow morning. Maybe more. Depends on how tired my 1st grade scouts make me tonight!

#19 ellistrations
ALL cards are in the mail tomorrow!