[RR] North American December 2020 Round Robin - New Location, All the Fun Edition - Closed

#19 ellistrations for this month again, please! :slight_smile:

Christmas postcards (non religious) and the front part of old Christmas cards are welcome.

Hello, I’ll join again this month as #27. Christmas/holiday cards of all kinds welcome. :snowman_with_snow: :evergreen_tree:

Thanks, Craig!

Please add me to the December forum - HO HO HO!

Since people are stating their preferences, I’d be happy to receive non-religious Christmas postcards and postcards for all other December holidays.

#11 TandemStoker. Please add me to the December group. Thank you!

I would be happy to receive any type of Christmas postcard for this month.
:deer::christmas_tree: :snowman_with_snow: :santa: :penguin: :earth_americas: :snowflake: :sled: :postcrossing:

#18 back again! I almost forgot about it and missed it!

All have been added to this point. Only five spots remain open!

I think I’ll pass this month, as I’m still very active politically (Georgia now). I will definitely be back in January and probably almost every month thereafter.


Sounds good @hootnoodle! Thank you for all you’re doing! I sent my letters off to Georgia voters last week to encourage them to register. I’ll likely be sending letters again in December to urge them to vote.


I would love to join please!

And I would be delighted to receive any type of December/Holiday/Winter themed cards :smiley:

Thanks for all you do, Mary!

Haven’t scrolled through the whole thread, so I might be too late, but would like to join again for this month. Could use a little “holiday cheer” in this challenging year.

I got you in there, @YOIYUMTEWA!

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I would like to join this RR.

I’d like to receive non-religious Christmas postcards, please! :grin:

I am in !!!

You’ve been added, @Triol!

Only one spot left :slight_smile:

I will be closing out the round robin this evening. We still have one spot remaining.

I’ll snag that last spot! I don’t have any Christmas or winter holiday postcards to send, but I’ll be happy to receive anything!

And the RR is now closed with 30 participants. Addresses should be going out be tomorrow afternoon.