[RR] North American April 2023 Round Robin - The Flowers Flowers Everywhere Edition

It’s funny how some things seem like such a big deal to one person, but not to another. College basketball, and Michael Jordan in particular, are a huge deal in NC. So of course, the tragedy of his father’s death was also a huge deal. You should definitely watch the series. And if you’re wondering whether the corruption and craziness down there could possibly be real… yes, it is. The stories I heard and lived during my time down there!

#9 reporting that my mailbox is back up and receiving cards! The most recent haul includes the following…

from #4 @jenhart - Virgin Islands map card. Oh man, I bet that was a wonderful trip! And we’re enjoying the Carolina weather too! Dinner outside every evening. Tonight the kids and my husband will sleep in a tent in the backyard. I will ‘guard the house.’

from #7 @CStar9 - one card showing posters for all 63 National Parks. Fun! And the “Big NIght” sounds like a hoot. My kids would love it!

from #23 @suatelier - a view of Toronto. It really is a pretty image. I would imagine that harbour walk would be very pleasant!

from #29 @melvnoble - Fallingwater. What a shame you couldn’t take a peek at the inside! We toured the Frank Lloyd Wright house in the Chicago area and it was lovely.

Thank you all for the great cards!


#2 reporting

#4 @jenhart sent St. Thomas, a card from her Spring break trip, thank you Jennifer! I hope you had a LOT of fun in the sun out there. My sister lived on the island for 4 months with one of her friends in her early 20s, a get away from home experience and she called home often because of homesickness, which I understand. I moved away from my family in my 20s to San Jose for a couple of years, wasn’t easy, but it was fun and life lessons learned.

#7 @CStar9 sent a Troubled Bird, thank you C! I love these cards, haha! I too had a bit of hesitation when I sent Effin’ Birds postcards out. :rofl: I have one left, both sets of cards are great. F-bombs all over the Effin’ Birds book too, hehehe. Send all the “bad” birds you want my way, haha!

#10 @volvomom sent a pin-up, thank you Kristin! It is new to me, I need to make a zonerama album of all the ones I have, hehe. I’m slowly working on scanning my cards, not all of them though, that’d be waaaay too many albums, haha! Organizing can be fun, sometimes. :grin:

#16 @jacieslar sent a cool dragonfly, thank you JoAnne! Holy smokes, over 3,000 species of dragonflies?! That’s crazy and so cool! Last year I saw ones that were electric blue around my house, smaller ones, it was neat to see. Happy Earth Day to you as well! :smiley: My oldest sister has a couple of dragonfly tattoos. :blush:

#21 @savitame sent blue cat kittens and pancakes, thank you Savita! These cards are all great and funny. :blush: I use my kitchen table for puzzles, haha, my husband and I just push it to one corner and eat at the table with the leftover space. I should start another one, lol. I don’t do paint-by-numbers, I’d paint outside the lines too much I think.

#29 @melvnoble sent an encouraging flower card, thank you Mel! Cute stickers you added too. :blush: Definitely plenty of blue on this one (snickers).


More delightful cards!!!

8 @Shesa-Renegade - Fabulous card from the Clinton Library… I love presidential libraries - all of them. It is an amazing history lesson! Stash - ummmm - lots and lots and lots of boxes full.

25 @jocrafts! Fun card! I remember conferences and retreating to my room whenever possible!

29 @melvnoble an interesting card and lovely birthday greetings – I think I need to count backwards, but it would not fool anyone!

Thank you all for hte wonderful cards!

watching for 4 - 7- 18 - 20 -21 -23

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#24 reporting

#3 @cruzin sent a card featuring the “love nest” room at the Madonna Inn. I love this one!!

#8 @Shesa-Renegade sent a wonderful card of the Barbara Fritchie Motel in Maryland. I got a lovely American history lesson from this card. Great choice!

#16 @hootnoodle sent a great vintage ad reprint for the giant Heidelberg Electric Belt for only $18.00 - don’t suffer in silence! Circa 1900 wacky medical device. Great card!

#21 @savitame sent the most beautiful card of Zinnias. I had zinnias on my deck last summer - they’re so pretty!


#5 received a card from #21 @savitame: fun facts about Giant Pandas! Such endearing animals! Thank you!


@LaurenceB #18 Thank you for adding FDR’s summer home on Campobello Island to my map! I was surprised that it was in Canada, but it made sense when I saw where it was.
@Triol #20 Thanks for the beautiful card of Washington state. This summer, I will be moving to a new city and starting a new job. Scary but exciting!

#29 - More great postcards to report!

#4 @jenhart - Thank you Jen for this postcard of a map of Republica Dominicana! Ha, there are some months where I just don’t know what to say or it feels like it might be boring, but other months I feel so inspired to write about anything and everything! I don’t know about others, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the last NY Times piece you read! :laughing:

#20 @Triol - Thank you Olga for this Lou Paper recipe postcard for an Old Fashioned! I am not a drinker myself, but I just love how these postcards are illustrated. The temps have been up and down the last few weeks here in Western PA, so I’m looking forward to something a little more comfortable and stable! We like to go to parks and museums!

#21 @savitame - Thank you Savita for this postcard of the famous Earthrise image of Earth! I do play The Sims 4, but I haven’t played in a bit. I enjoy doing challenges to spice things up a bit. Currently, I’m playing through 10 Generations on short lifespan. I know there’s been a recent infant update, so I’m a bit curious about that!

#28 @hootnoodle - Thank you for this postcard of an Iguana from Costa Rica! I would love to travel outside the States. Learning about history and culture sounds so neat! But also nature and wildlife sound like a fun focus. Hope you had the best time!

After travelling for 17 days, #25 @jocrafts’ card finally arrived. It wouldn’t take 17 days to walk from Indianapolis to Bay City. I wonder where the care was hanging out?? Anyway, I love the card and hope to see the US southwest someday.

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Updated again :wink:

Great stack to report:

#4 @Cruzin : fantastic punch buggy at sunset. I hate when I use the “wrong” pen and it smears or won’t work on certain cards. Grrrr.

#6 @mikeyz1 :view of the Devils Garden. We spent Easter driving on I-95 all day after our cruise. Not even eggs for us :laughing:

#7 @CStar9 : great sketching of Boston. We pronounce my street “Whoa-burn” Like “whoa” to a horse, with a long “o.” It’s how its pronounced in Britain where the name of the street came from. It’s close to the Mass way, but the accent makes it a touch different.

#8 @Shesa-Renegade : fabulous Minneapolis (I’m a Minnesota native). My stash is down to a couple hundred now, but I am ordering more today to match profiles better for next month!

#18 @LaurenceB : love this whimsical card with vans and summer gear! Guilty story - we drove a lot when my girls were growing up. I hope yours learn to love a car trip as my girls’ do!

#20 @Triol : Boldt Castle in NY. Nice little place they had! We are taking an Alaskan cruise this summer - can’t wait!

#21 @savitame : Blue cats :heart: I saw Aladdin on tour, not on Broadway. The Cave of Wonders?? Wow! Such a fun show.

#25 @jocrafts : the beautiful Grand Canyon. I love the western parks! So far Zion is my favorite … but I have more to go!

#29 @melvnoble : chicken corn soup. I love corn so I’d probably like this! But with butter :laughing:



#10 reporting in! I have received:

#4 @jenhart - Oooh! Gorgeous beach views of the Dominican Republic! I bet people appreciated you trying to speak Spanish. It’s the thought that counts!

#6 @mikeyz1 - Wow! The Edmund Fitzgerald! Now I’ll have that song in my head all afternoon! :slight_smile:

#7 @CStar9 - What a great Rhode Island card! And it has an anchor! I had no idea that they call milkshakes cabinets! I wonder how that started?

#16 @jacieslar - This Earth Day card is one of the prettiest I’ve received. I love the greenery and the glass-looking globe! I think it’s awesome that there are so many Earth Day events in Ruidoso!

#23 @suatelier - Such an upbeat Postcrossing / spring / Easter card from Papersisters! Thank you for the variety of stamps, too!

#29 @melvnoble - This Bond card is great! It’s my first one. I’ve seen a few, but this card reminds me to watch them!

Thanks to all! Happy weekend!

Can’t wait for: 18, 20


#19 received

#20 @Triol - thank you! No plans for the summer, just working. We tend to travel less in the summer due to heat and crowds. Maybe a weekend trip somewhere.

#5 with one more card - from #8, @Shesa-Renegade: a nice reminder on Earth Day (today) that we only have one planet to keep. As far as my stash: I know I have tons of cards to send, but I’m not going to guess how many. A lot are in books, which I like to buy at online used bookstores.


#7 reporting receipt of my final cards for this month. Happy Earth Day, y’all!

From #4 @jenhart - a gorgeous reminder of the unspeakable beauty of Caribbean islands. So glad you had a good trip!!

From #16 @jacieslar, Earth Day greetings that came right on time!! The hummingbirds are just returning to Mass., too! We have our feeder out to welcome them.

From #20 @Triol - I’m glad your summer plans are already shaping up! I work a lot in the summer because I have many student interns to supervise on forest research projects. But that’s a fun adventure, too!

From #21 @savitame, Pluto! In its new (to me) classification as a dwarf planet / ice ball. To me it looks like there is a heart in the bottom right - do you see it? I’m sending you good vibes for you to have the better days you deserve.

#11 hazygirl reporting
#9 @CStar9 sent the absolutely adorable Kitty in a Mug
#16 @jacieslar sent Earth Day and it arrived in Earth Day!



Report #4

#04 @JenHart: sent a gorgeous aerial view of St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands (one of my favorite port of calls, too!) I’m so glad you enjoyed your NCL cruise. Yes, cruising is one of the most accommodating travel options for vacationers with any variety of mobility issues – at least on the ship itself. But yeah, Tortola isn’t going to be as progressive with infrastructure. But sounds like fun. Thanks for this great shot!

#07 @CStar9: sent a cool, retro-looking, lunar “travel poster.” The rocket ship with the huge porthole window is so it. Reminds me of Méliès’ early silent movie A Trip to the Moon (or The Smashing Pumpkins homage to it, Tonight, Tonight. But you’re right, I don’t think either of us is yet ready for this ultimate road trip! Thanks!

#18 @LaurenceB: sent an action shot of the “Cypress Gardens Clown Spectacular,” where the Florida attraction’s famed water skiers dressed up in clown costumes and performed daring stunts for family audiences. (What could really be creepier!?) Yeah, can’t believe this attraction stayed active into the 2000’s… but you’re right; now it’s gone and the park has been repurposed as Florida’s Legoland. Funny stuff. Thanks!

#20 @Triol: sent a shot of the Calico Ghost Town, an Old West silver mine boomtown that was deserted after only a 20-year existence. Fortunately, Walter Knott, the founder of Knott’s Berry Farm, purchased the town and turned it into a tourist attraction for a while. Today, Calico Ghost Town is operated as a regional park by San Bernardino County. No, I have never been. Good luck on your May cruise! Thanks!

#21 @Savitame: sent an interesting shot of Mercury’s surface. I always figured that Mercury, being the closest planet to the sun, would be more of a “hot mess”. Like literally molten surface and burning gas. But this photo shows a rather tranquil environment that looks like the lunar surface. Too bad it’s like 800 degrees there! No, I haven’t been to every US state – still missing a few in the south and those western big-sky states. Thanks!

#28 @Hootnoodle: sent a rather haphazardly designed multi-view of The Big Apple, a world’s largest Apple attraction in Colborne, Ontario. The images I saw on their website were much more appealing and explanatory than this hodgepodge of images. Mrs. Rocky and I are headed for Italy for a week this fall. Send me your travel tips! Thanks!

#29 @MelVnoble: sent a multi-view of interior farmhouse shots from (generically) Amish Country. Yeah, it’s been on my travel list to do a summer or fall trip to Penn Dutch Country (just to restock those dirty town name postcards!) But you mentioning dilly beans gives me a whole new incentive to make the sojourn. Yes, their baked goods are a real treat. Thanks!

Okay, it’s been a successful month, completed relatively early for once!

@Cawindt: All April cards rcd.

Thanks everyone!

  • Rocky Road Trip #30

#8 Shesa-Renegade checking in with my received postcards from this past week!

#3 @Cruzin sends an adorable bunny in a bubble bath. So sweet. I love having wild conversations with husky dogs!

#4 @jenhart sends a card from White Bay. WOW…that water is gorgeous! I’ll be back in the Caribbean in just a few weeks. Can’t wait to see beautiful blue water again.

#7 @CStar9 sends an adorable sloth card!! My word, but she is cute. That sloth pooping routine is hilarious. It is new & useful information. You never know when it will come up in conversation or trivia!

#20 @Triol sends a beautiful wedding photo card of Prince Harry & Megan Markle. Aren’t weddings lovely? The queen in her bright green is so gorgeous. My plans for summer are to work the first half (vacation money for me) and then relax the second half waiting for the new fall semester to begin.

#21 @savitame sends a sloth card! I did not know that a newborn sloth could pull it’s body weight up on a branch. WOW! That is some serious upper body strength.

#23 @suatelier sends a beautiful watercolor beach-themed card. I am absolutely ready for summer! Monday, May 1st is our last day of classes and I’ll be done by May 5th if everything goes as planned.

#27 @melvnoble sends a card from Pittsburgh in the Pirates colors! My hands are always doing something much different than my brain. I love this card for my hope challenge! Congratulations on your new job.

#28 @hootnoodle sends a gorgeous card of Piazza Pretoria in Palermo. Travel really feeds my soul - and it sound like it does the same for you. Well done on your postcard writing campaign!! I’m so proud of you.

Received: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30

Excited for: 16, 18


#28 here, with four more cards to report:

#4 @jenhart - Central Park and the Catholic Church San Felipe, Dominican Republic. That looks like a lovely place to visit!

#7 @CStar9 - a card from the MincingMockingbird set. I couldn’t agree more with the sentiment on this one. I think racism is explained well by the song in South Pacific, “You’ve Got to Be Carefully Taught”.

#23 @suatelier - a black-and-white drawing of Toronto’s skyline. I was there for a conference in about 1979, but didn’t see much of the city. I’d like to return.

#29 @melvnoble - an 18th century portrait of Charles-Marie de la Condamine (wearing a modern surgical mask). I’m still wearing a mask in stories and at plays and concerts.

Thanks, everyone.


#27 reporting

Received from
4. @jenhart beautiful st.Thomas. We do have too much snow.
7. @CStar9 gummy bears. I love gummies. I do remember that show. I’ve always wanted to go to New Zealand. Love the hippo drawing.
9. @RobinP a cute North Carolina zoo card. Hope you got your trip worked out.
18. @LaurenceB a fun cottage. Our weather has been crazy too. I can’t wait until I can write cards outside.
21. @savitame a fun saltwater crocodile. You have not sent this card before. When I figure out how to stop time, I’ll let you know. :wink:
23. @suatelier an alphabet card. Last year I had a skunk chase me across the yard. I didn’t know they could run so fast.
25. @jocrafts beautiful havasu falls. We don’t have Netflix anymore. Got rid of it a couple of years ago. But lately I’ve been wishing we had it.
28. @hootnoodle beautiful sol duc falls. I’d love to go hiking here.
29. @melvnoble a vintage corset. I agree completely.

Thanks everyone