[RR] North America: Write Back My Postcard [NA WBMP RR] New Canada Only Group

Group #64 - received both envelopes yesterday. Sending all cards back today!

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I will update this later today! Don’t think I forget about you all, please! haha


Group #62- I received both of my cards back from @cali29. Thank you so much. I love to read so I’ll have to add those books on my list!


UPDATED! Thank you everyone!!

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group 66 please

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Put @RuhRohRaggy’s two cards in the mailbox this afternoon.

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UPDATED! Thank you!!

Group #62- I received both of my cards from @dnrhott. I love the stickers that you attached. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Group #64 -Received one of my cards back from @RuhRohRaggy. So much fun to get one of my all-time faves in my mailbox! Abby, I do wish you luck in the battle for your cat’s welfare. I haven’t had pets for a few years now, but remember how hard it can be when your precious one is doing poorly. My sympathies!

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Group 64
Received both cards from
@TwasBrillig - The way you describe Pennsylvania sounds fun! One of these years I’ll make a road trip north. As for the Native American experience, sounds like something I’d enjoy! I love how their life has so much meaning to everything they do and natural. Thank you!


received both cards back from @ellistrations haha, thanks for sharing your story. I have received a postcard a few times and thought, wow what a great card!.. only to discover that it was my own card for the WBMP RR, but I had forgotten about it from long travels from Russia, etc. Of course I will like it if I chose it myself, lol. Thanks for writing back my cards


Group #64

Ha! Got a boatload of cards yesterday, so just catching up this morning before having to report for work.

Got my second card back from @RuhRohRaggy and I totally hear what you’re saying about seeing a particular gem in the pile of mail, and eventually recognizing that there’s a reason you feel that way! A definite yes on the way music can make you feel happy.

Got a card back from @ellistrations - and presumably will get the second one in today’s mail! So good to hear about your good vacation - reminds me that I should take one some day too!


UPDATED! Thank you everyone!

I received these postacrds blank in an envelope from @dnrhott about two weeks ago. Are these from this Round Robin? I need to know so I can write them back if needed.

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I am not sure :confused: :thinking:

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received 2 cards back from @TwasBrillig thanks for helping to write cards back from this wonderful card series!

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It was entirely my pleasure!

mailed cards back to @ellistrations

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UPDATED! Thank you everyone!

Hi. I’d love to join group #63 if possible

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