[RR] NA Nature RR - - - Looking For New Host!

Group 178
@TeachLittleKids Thank you Judy for this tall elephant! :elephant: :smiley: My nephew when he was about two years old (in his 30s now) would get excited over fire trucks, it was cute. :blush:




Group 185 (farm life)

@TeachLittleKids - a colorful barn and tractor (Christopher Arndt card). Thank you. Your barn with animals sounds so appealing, except for the amount of work involved!

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189 is in the mail.

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Lots of great cards received this week!

Grp 155 from @prssrp I love your original photography cards! I used to really be in photography, but I haven’t picked up my camera in years. Maybe I should again!

Group 169 received from @TeachLittleKids

I’ve never been able to grow anything, but I admire people who can! My thumbs are both completely black. Ha ha!

Grp 181 received from @TeachLittleKids

Awwww, I love that your chickens come up to you & want to be picked up! My cat loves chest scritches too!

Group 182 received from @TeachLittleKids

Alaska is on my list too! Two of my best friends are there now, on a cruise.

Grp 185 rcvd from @hootnoodle

Love a good barn!! The stamps you used are cool too. Frank Lloyd Wright was so talented, and venus flytraps are fascinating!

Grp 190 rcvd from @uconn

Ha ha!! He does remind me of Elf! That smile on his face.

Thank you, everyone!!


Group #196

Thank you @saoirse253 for the awesome flower shop postcard! I love that you root for both the seahawks and cheifs because I do too haha! My sister is a huge chiefs fan, so each year we try to go to one seahawk game and one chiefs game. This year we plan to go to Buffalo and Atlanta! :football: :cherry_blossom: :blossom:

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Received from @CrimsonKing Nature RR Group #175
UGH 13 hour drives are tough - but smart to break it up. I love the Grey Heron, we have one in the neighborhood and I am always thrilled when I spot him.



Received from @SharonMI Nature RR Group #189
I’ve never even heard of Red Eyed Vireos. I love to listen to the bird songs esp in the morning but can’t really recognize any except the ordinary ones.



Group #197

Thank you @salemhouse for the beautiful Banff Springs postcard! Those mountains are gorgeous! :mount_fuji: :mountain_snow:


Group #196 & #197 have been sent! :hugs:

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@CalicoBeer fun facts dolphin card, soon to be underwater! Thanks


Received from @prssrp Nature Group #189 Birds

I, like you, have only seen the geese flying like this. Thank you for the lovely card and hope you have a great day!

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Group #183
Thank you @CalicoBeer for the wonderful John William Waterhouse postcard! It is so beautiful and I appreciate you sharing it with me! :leaves:

Group #190
Thank you @CalicoBeer for the awesome live oak tree postcard! Trees are just so beautiful aren’t they?! :deciduous_tree:

Group #196
Thank you @TeachLittleKids for the wonderful flower postcard! I bet directing the children’s musical is so much fun! I am sure the costumes are beautiful! :blossom: :tulip: :sunflower:

Group #197
Thank you @TeachLittleKids for the Guadalupe Mountains National Park postcard! I love national parks and would love to visit them all one day! :mountain:


186 Caverns
@TeachLittleKids I’ve been to Luray as a kid, i haven’t been to Carlsbad either. Thanks


Grp 201 going in the mail!

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Two from @TeachLittleKids
Group 179-Marine and coastal life, I think swimming with the dolphins would be amazing. I hope you get to someday.

Group 196-Flowers, my husband has the green thumb in the family. I always look forward to hydrangeas which do well here, dahlias, and peonies.


Group 184 Outer Space @CalicoBeer Thank you for the beautiful outer space card! I love all of the colors!
Group 186 Caverns @uconn Thankyou for the Meramec Caverns. They look spectacular!
Group 188 @sleepyhippo1 Thank you for the beautiful cat card! I only have two cats, thankfully, they are such divas, we couldn’t handle any more!
Group 196 Flowers @saoirse253 Thanks for the beautiful flowers with beehives also!
Group 197 @salemhouse Thankyou for the beautiful snowy mountains. I live close enough to go skiing in Virginia, but have never been brave enough to try. (I am a klutz!)


:smiley: :recycle:

Well, I must need more of this :sleeping: or less coffee because I just dropped cards in the mail this morning (again) for group 196. Forgot I already sent them out. :joy:

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