[RR] NA Nature RR - - - Looking For New Host!

#185 @hootnoodle Love the lamb card and thanks for the great story from your family! Thank you!

#184 @prssrp Thanks for the space card! I love living out in the country because I can see so many stars at night!

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Mailing #197 today

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I almost missed grp 184, sorry! Going in the mail today.

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Add me to 186 & 200 please

190 Wild Card
@prssrp interesting bird’s eye view of lake and field


Group 191 Vintage
@prssrp I visited the Smoky Mountains back in the 60’s as a child, but haven’t been back since.


Thank you!


Interested to participate in Coastal views + domesticated animals!

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I have sent the cards for the following groups: 185, 186, 188, 197, 196.


188 being mailed out today

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193, 194 and 200 please.

190 -
@brooklynh - Pinnacles NP - I am currently reading (listening to) All the Light We Cannot See. It is a historical fiction book. Not something I normally read, but interesting.

191 -
@salemhouse - Giraffes - I can’t imagine how long rhat trip was.

@uconn - Florida Pelican - I can’t say I have ever heard of a postcard show.


Groups 185, 186, and 188 going on the mail!

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I would like to join Group 193 - Marine Life

I’m new here. PM sent

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Group 189 was mailed yesterday.

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Welcome to the RR, @milkiwei & @l2y! :smiley:


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Can I join 200 & 201, please?

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Group 193 - Marine Life is going out tomorrow

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Can I join groups 200 and 201, please?

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Mailing 186

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Group 157 Valentine’s

@prssrp sent a beautiful heart shape in the ocean. It would be awesome if it was real! I’m sorry to hear your scuba diving trip was canceled. Do you have any other scuba diving trips planned this year?

@saoirse253 sent a heart shape of postage stamps from around the world. Love the collage :slight_smile:


Group 175

@Bakersmom - thank you for the Peregrine Falcon from the Wild Animals of the World set! I didn’t know that “peregrine” means “wanderer.” Makes a lot of sense!