[RR] NA Nature RR - - - Looking For New Host!

Group 166 Waterfalls received from @prssrp

I just ordered this same set! I had no idea they were so big. But it IS gorgeous. I may have to save these and use them for special occasions.

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For Group 157, thank you @MuttleysMom, thank you for this show of love between mother and child. :heart:


178 Mailed

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179 is in the mail!

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Grp #183 - Water Features - received from

@brooklynh Wow, these falls are really gorgeous! How lucky were you to grow up near there! I would love to see them. Thank you!

@sunflak so, funny story – you sent Horseshoe Bend in AZ, and I grew up near Horseshoe Bend Military Park in AL, and I live near the Horseshoe Bend neighborhood in Roswell, GA now. LOL! Gorgeous card, thank you!


Can I be added to group #190? Thank you! :hugs:

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Please add me to
187 (I spy something related to beer)

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Received Group 180’s @TeachLittleKids 's card. I love flowers too. Thank you for the beautiful card!

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:recycle: :smiley:

Please add me to 184, 189, 190 and 191 please.

Groups 155 and 157 are in the mail.

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Add me to 190 & 191 please

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Something silly.

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Group 182 @CalicoBeer Thank you for the American Samoa card. You are right, we forget about the non-50 state parks!


I have sent the following cards- Group 178, 179, 184.

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And there is a small town not far from where I live now called Horseshoe Bend! What a coincidence! :blush:

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For Group 183 - water. Thank you @brooklynh for the beautiful waterfall card. I would love to go hiking near falls like this too!



Wow @CalicoBeer that is very up close!! It looks so cool, I would have never guessed it was a shrimp’s tail. Thank you!


Mailing 190

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May I join Groups # 175 and # 189
Thanks have a great day!

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Group 180 @pixxi88 Thank you for the cute mushroom card!
Group 178 @CrimsonKing Thank you for the buffalo card. We went to Custer State Park when our kids were little and we were stopped for a herd of buffalo. One stuck its head in our car window and my daughter probably still suffers from PTSD…she screamed so loudly!
Group 180 @skatingjerry Thank you for the beautiful seashell cards! I teach grades 3-5 math to kids who have high IQs.

Group 181 @skatingjerry Thank you for the beautiful card! Are you able to purchase these in the USA?