[RR] Alternative Monthly RR - January to June 2023

I think I forgot to post that I mailed all my cards.

I’ve received for June

@Maslover12 a great meet up card and hippo sticker
@thetinylibrarian palace with tulips. I have a small hydrangea bush. But it has never bloomed.
@paigeawesome beautiful mt. Shasta . I would love to visit someday.
@Hazygirl ozark mountain waterfall. Beautiful
@CorgiMama gone with the wind and great stickers. The bugs have been so bad here, I haven’t even tried taking my dogs to the park yet.
@roxy Canada card. So far no plans.
@inkandpaper a tasty treat. I pronounce it MarSella. Cute stickers
@nursegarry one of my favorite Monet paintings. Have a great time on your trip
@durangirl lions at the San Diego zoo. Sounds like a busy but fun trip
@evank a beautiful volcano card and a waterfall. I haven’t been to a concert since before Covid.
@CeceG a beautiful Hawaii waterfall. What a wonderful vacation.

Thanks everyone


I got 3 more cards

Thanks so much!


#9 reporting: All cards are written and on their way!

And thanks to the following for getting their cards out earlier than me:

#8 @evank sent two written cards! A big festival here is Brew 53 (focus is on the microbreweries in the area and music) but I heard this week that it’s been moved from downtown to Chambers Bay (a park near the water.)


#10 inkandpaper: My summer job starts on June 23 (the last day of school.) I’ve been thinking about things to do to keep the triplets busy and learning. Fishing is on the list, but I’ll call in others for help!


#12 @durangirl: I Hope you were able to squeeze lots of your planned activities into your birthday/graduation celebration! The kids had to remind me of Daisy’s name …:woman_facepalming:


#13 @Hazygirl: There are so many states that I haven’t visited and Rhode Island is one of them. Thank you for the letting me know about one of the highlights of Newport!


#15 @thetinylibrarian sent a Bob Ross painting! He was a creator of magic, I think, as he encouraged everyone to access their artistic self. I just started “Women Talking” by Miriam Toews. I need to focus on reading it, though, and not thinking, “How are they going to portray this in the movie?”


#17 @roxy sent a great foreign film poster. Thanks for pointing out Ann Margret! I didn’t notice the list of actors at first. Sometimes I can be so observant! :woozy_face:


#18 @CeceG sent an erupting volcano! It makes me appreciate Mt. Rainier’s quiet! :flushed:


Thanks again to all of you! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


Thanks #18 @CeceG


June - #19 - BeachyBlonde

I sent about half of my cards last weekend from Texas. I see that they aren’t arriving (as well as one I sent my to myself). I’m worried now.

I’ve received lots of cards so far though:

#2 @CorgiMama Thank you for the stunning beach waves postcard! I love it too!
#4 @paigeawesome Thank you for the pattern box postcard! I hope school is going better!
#5 @sleepyhippo1 Thank you for the sweet Eric Carle postcard! I loved reading about your sweet doggies! So cute!
#7 @nursegarry Thank you for the epic HipStory postcard! I love these too! I hope you’re having an amazing time!!
#10 @inkandpaper Thank you for the cool coffee postcard! I agree that my summer “break” hasn’t been much of one! haha
#12 @durangirl Thank you for the wonderful Finding Nemo postcard! I love that movie! I hope you had a fun time!
#13 @Hazygirl Thank you for the sweet Snow White postcard for my collection!
#15 @thetinylibrarian Thank you for the Sonita Alizadeh postcard! I enjoyed reading about her!
#17 @roxy Thank you for the awesome LEGO tie postcard! I love the quirkiness of this set!
#18 @CeceG Thank you for the stunning HI beach postcard! I want to make it there someday!


I (#6) have had the distinct pleasure of receiving lots of postcards this week from all over the place!:blush:

Thank you @nursegarry (#7) for the wonderful Big Sur nature postcard😍 Such a beautiful vista…I have happy memories of that area from my time spent living at La Selva Beach. Love this postcard!

Thank you @sleepyhippo1 (#5) for the charming vintage autumn scene. Fall is my favorite season! Love your description of a “lazy cat day”…That was me yesterday when we all finally got to collapse after a challenging week…

Thank you to @durangirl (#12) for the Uraguayan bookstore postcard…I would love to visit this bookstore…The
ladder looks so fun! I am curious, what kind of dessert did you make for your son’s birthday?

Thank you (for the awe inspiring Yellowstone postcard) and big congrats to @thetinylibrarian (#15)! What an exciting time!! Wishing you much happiness…There is nothing better than sharing your life with the right person…We celebrate our 20th anniversary this week💘


(#6) Still more wonderful postcards graced my mailbox…

Thank you @Hazygirl (#13) for the happy butterfly postcard. Loved your list of most detested house chores!:blush:

Thank you to @roxy (#17) for the charming Canadian map. My photo does not do it justice! I had fun blowing up my photo and checking out the tiny illustations… What fun as my brother just got back from a Canadian train trip and sent me ooooooddles of pictures! Perfect timing…

Thank you to @CorgiMama (#2) for the sand dollar postcard that took me back to my California childhood! I knew part of the legend but not the part about the white doves…Now I am hoping to see another sand dollar to check that out. And thank you for the happy dinner wishes!:blush:

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#1 reporting for June.

The rest of my cards (14-18) are written and will be in the mail tomorrow.

Cards received:
#15 @thetinylibrarian I love this card! It has special meaning for me because Charleston is my birthplace and where I lived until age 11. Thank you.

#17 @Roxy Thank you for the waterskiing card for my watersports challenge. Since there is also a Cypress tree in the picture, I’m presuming this is meant to portray Cypress Gardens in Florida, one of my favorite (now defunct) attractions.

#18 @CeceG sends a photo of a rare butterfly, one of only two native butterflies found in Hawai’i for my pollinator challenge. Who knew? I didn’t, but now I do so thanks for sharing.


#15 reporting cards received for June!

#14 @Maslover12 sends a fun card of a black cat on a bike with some sunflowers! Love this card. I love the Chat Noir sticker you included on the back too! I think Jasper and Sampson are such cute names!
#6 @DaisyDekker sends a cute black cat photo card! The rainbow washi tape on the edges is so fun! I hope your yogurt was delicious! Those toppings sound yummy.
#12 @durangirl sends a Walt Disney Mickey Mouse card! I hope you all had a nice trip to San Francisco, that museum sounds so interesting! Love the cute summery stickers you included on the card too :slight_smile:
#17 @roxy sends a bookstore card! Thanks for the fun washi and nice stamps! I love a good bookstore too :slight_smile:

Thanks all!


(#6) Three more wonderful postcards for June-

Thank you @CeceG (#18) for the amazing nature card from Hawaii!:heart_eyes: Loved reading your description…made it seem very real! I’ve never had a hankering for Hawaii…until today!

Thank you to @paigeawesome (#4) for a delightful California state parkpostcard…Yay! This totally makes our day!I used to live in the foothills above Oroville…I love all the old mills of California…So sad to hear it is falling into disrepair.


Thank you to @inkandpaper (#10) for this surprising postcard! I love it! I had never heard of this kind of Cardinal…It has the “regal-ness” of a cardinal but he seems a bit flashier! Love your matching decor on the back too! Soooo fun!


About time I reported cards!!

@nursegarry with a David Shrigley modern art piece
@Hazygirl sent a card with a flock of Ibis from above in Venezuela
@inkandpaper sent a portrait of a proud horned owl(great envelope and excellent strategy for keeping cool, thanks!)
@roxy sent a cute play on words card immaculately decorated with some tea - thanks!!
@thetinylibrarian sent a turkey in the wild. Lovely stamps too, thanks!!
@CeceG sent a couple postcards, written and unwritten. Hard to go wrong with any gamewright games but Slamwich, cuckoo zoo and Dragonwood are all great fun.
@CorgiMama sent a cute California card with tea. My fav right now is a chocolate mint oolong. Thank you.
@sleepyhippo1 mailed a depiction of the sands of time
@durangirl congrats to your family and happy birthday to all. Thanks for the extra cards and interesting ephemera.
@paigeawesome thanks for the cute stork cards.

Thanks very much!!


Thank you to @HaniMilei for the amazing potato postcard for my collection! I love the washi tape you used - making a mental note to check out that shop next time I’m in Toronto. I just recently built the Lego bonsai tree and it was very fun. I’m not sure if I’ll get the succulent set or not -there’s just so many fun sets out right now it’s hard to choose!


Hey everyone just wanted to send an update, I’m going to be mailing out my cards a little later this month. I’ve been recovering from a real nasty bout of laryngitis / upper respiratory infection and have just been an absolute mess. Everything will go out by the end of the month I just wanted to update as to the reason for the delay

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June cards received update:

From @CeceG came a very meaningful Remember December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor) USS Arizona Memorial and Punchbowl Cemetery postcard. That memorial is on my list of places to visit when I am back in the USA. I also appreciated the variety of stamps, with special mention to the Medal of Honor stamp and the Dutch Shepherd stamp (one of my favorite dog breeds and the one I hope to have one day.)


Thanks so much!!


Lots to report tonight!

#8 @evank sent two postcards…Shipwreck Beach in Hawaii and Sydney at twilight. I can’t remember about stamps but I sold postcard online on Ebay and my own site. A card on Ebay was bid up to $550, my dad was so excited watching the action!

#10 @inkandpaper sends a sweet tabby cat! When we get settled after we move to San Antonio, we told our daughter she can adopt another shelter cat and she wants a tabby like this!

#19 @Beachyblonde sends a great postcard from Houston I just love the art style of this card, I do not look forward to Texas heat when we move!

#14 @Maslover12 sends the sweetest mail postcard and Pusheen stickers! We love our cat Koko but she is a maniac…she is currently doing zoomies on the rug!

#6 @DaisyDekker sends the cat that came to dinner! Our cat knows she is not allowed on the table or counter and knows the squirt bottle will come out if she does!

#15 @thetinylibrarian sends one of the great National Park cards from Hot Springs with Harry Potter stickers!! I am taking the day off from work for my birthday…guess who forgot to ask for it off to spend with me???

#18 @CeceG sends a sweet gray cat sleeping, our Koko is grayish, she is a diluted torti. I love the Calvin and Hobbs stamp, my daughter sewed her own Hobbs since there isn’t any merchandise for the comic.


Received a card from
Thanks so much for the card! I love it!!

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I finally have time to report on cards received!

@CeceG sends a dog of the sea (seal lol). She also sent dog stamps and dog washi with a corgi on it!

@DaisyDekker sends a moose fact card. I would love to see a moose in person, you are very lucky.

@durangirl sends a dolphin fun fact card. I only know one Duran Duran song lol.

@inkandpaper sends a fun fact coffee card :stuck_out_tongue: I loove coffee. Thank you for being so nice and helpful in your message.

@sleepyhippo1 sends a beautiful illustration of a bookstore!

@Hazygirl sends a picture inside of a bookstore. Not sure why they open so late but doubt they stay open past 6pm, don’t people party on Fridays? lol

@Maslover12 sends a really cool moon postcard! I have two corgis and a cat. Hopefully you and the kitties are doing great!


#1 reporting for June.

#16 @HaniMilei sent a lovely drawing of Rosie the Riveter for my on-going challenge. Thanks! So far I’ve received several and each unique. My favorite museum in Toronto is actually the Bata Shoe Museum!

#19 @Beachyblonde sent a card of the Texas capital.

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#13 hazygirl

#6 @DaisyDekker sent a fun umbrella card. Great choice.

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