[RR] Alternative Monthly NARR - Jan-Sept 2024 - Sept sign-ups closed

My cards for may will head out in the morning


#3 reporting for the month of April.
I received from #13 @Blue_Fox a beautiful Rose and Fairy card. Thank you so much for the fantastic postcard and I hope you are feeling better and healing quickly.!!

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April #9 Received
From #13 @Blue_Fox Thanks Mark for the nice Ohio scene from Lantern Press. Wishes for a speedy recovery :pray: Go Guards/Tribe! :baseball:

  • All received for April
    March #6 and #10 not yet received
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#3 @harleyq2btrue sent a very cool Libra card. The weather here keeps fluctuating too.


May #6 All cards sent :outbox_tray:

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good evening everyone, i hope everyone is enjoying there Saturday afternoon!
little warm here for my taste but ill suffer :slight_smile:
#3 reporting in my first card from #2 @Hazegirl.with a beautiful Pink & yellow rose bouquet postcard, i think if i have to pick one favorite rose it would be the “peace” rose with its two tone pink & yellow flowers. i remember as a girl being at my Grandmothers house and them growing in her garden, we have them in our yard now and they are the size of both our hands cupped together. but yes i can see why you like the those as well like you said the classic beauty and amazing smell!. thank you for the great postcard!!

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April #6 reporting:

A wayward card from @Cocosmom arrived! Hope you had clear weather for the total eclipse. What a trip this card must have had! No damage at all. :+1:t2:

Thanks so much USPS & Ann! :heart:


Yay, it finally arrived. We had perfect weather for seeing the eclipse! :sun_with_face::waning_crescent_moon:

NARR Alternative April #10 Reporting
Sent: All
Received: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
Still looking forward to: 4

#1 @cawindt Sent a vintage National park card. Looks like a beautiful place to visit

@Hazygirl sent road card. Makes me want to go on a road trip!

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Received for may

@harleyq2btrue What may be jellyfish or not. I can’t tell. Haha either way it’s a neat card.
@Hazygirl A typewriter. I use to love using a typewriter when I was a kid.

Thank you both


Received a great card from @blubay2021 for May

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hello all i revived a great St. Augustine, FL. card from #7 @blubay2021.
ha ha ha i did get a chuckle out of your" husband joke" My Dad used to do the same thing to me when i was a kid! I say it works :smiley: thank you for the great card & the laugh!!

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May #7, I’ve received a couple last week and this week:

#2 @Hazygirl I think my favorite book would have to be a tie between Prisoner of Azkaban and Goblet of Fire. I can’t really choose between just one!

#3 @harleyq2btrue I’ve seen the Space Needle a couple of times, but it’s been probably about 10 years since my last visit. I may need to make another trip out there soon!

#6 @Cocosmom I’ve been to Texas once, in Austin! I wasn’t able to sight-see while there though, so I hope to get another chance to visit. I’ve always wanted to visit the Alamo, too.


#2 hazygirl reporting
#6 @Cocosmom sent an excellent card for my May challenge so cute. Did you hold onto those bellbottoms cause they’re totally back?
@blubay2021 send a fun glow-in-the-dark card with Harry’s Petronus on it. What a great idea. It seemed glowing when I took the scan of it.


Haha, no those bell-bottoms are long gone!:slightly_smiling_face:

Received an adorable card from @sleepyhippo1 for May

Thanks so much!!!


Reporting another card for April
#9 @Cocosmom What a wonderful Mary Poppins card! I have always loved Mary Poppins, I haven’t seen the second one though have you?


@sleepyhippo1 Sent a really cool card. I think this was a great choice. I’m glad you found it.


#1 for May reporting:

from #2 @Hazygirl a pretty art card of flowers and fruit. National Fridge Magnet day…lol…those kooky holidays are most fun in a school setting!

from 3 @harleyq2btrue sent a lovely pink watercolor set of flowers. My mom got very good at painting roses the Donna Dewberry method…you might try that!

from 7 @blubay2021 a beautiful HP card of a Doxie…those pesky pixies! haha I love these gilt HP cards. I have seen a few people using…no idea where y’all got them…I need to go looking on Amazon I think!

from 6 @Cocosmom an awesome koala card! I love it!! I did see a lot of them in Australia…but not in the wild. I went to a lot of zoos and sanctuaries while I was there. i was truly enthralled with the native wildlife! as to the weather…we have some tree damage and currently a lot of flooding in the area but my home is fine. The tornadoes were about 15 miles away but they had a lot of warning thank goodness!


I didn’t know there was another one. Colin Firth is in it!