[RR] Alternative Monthly NARR - Jan-Sept 2024 - Sept sign-ups closed

I got all my April cards mailed but forgot to post it. Sorry


11 received from 5 @Maslover12
Thank you for the Grand Canyon card! I love the colors in the layers.


Hello! May I join for May please? I’ll PM my address, as this is my first time joining.
Thank you!


#3 posting for April,

#5 @Maslover12 a very cool " Fun, Fireside, family" card depicting a family around the fireplace popping popcorn. yes Humidity, and allergens are up for us as well. love the flowers not the sneezing :slight_smile:

#14 sent a beautiful "Radical Structure " postcard. sounds like you had a great trip with amazing memories. ive always wanted to see the Mayan temples. i hear they are break taking but i don’t do heat well & well Mexico isn’t cool.

thank you both for the great postcards

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April #6 reporting:

More happy mail on this last day of April!

#5 (@Maslover12) sent an AI-generated illustration with a nod to Dr. Who. :grin: Since I live in the Evergreen State, Spring is the season that allows Mother Nature to show off so many colors! It is beautiful.


From @MissChristinaAnne (#7) sent a map of the Fiji Islands. :palm_tree: Enjoy your cruise (even if it isn’t to Fiji)!


From @KQ (#8) street art entitled, “The Unexpected Bookmark.” One can never have enough bookmarks. :+1:t2:


And @Blue_Fox (#13) sent a Spanish Mission near Tucson, Arizona. Wishing you a complete recovery! My uncle used to watch one baseball game on TV, listen to a different game on the radio and was able to keep both games straight. :woman_shrugging:


And a Total Solar Eclipse 2024 card from @TwoDoggies (#14)! :sunny: We weren’t in the path, either, but the news showed the airport and the security lines full of people. Many of them heading to total eclipse locations (according to the interviews.) :grin:


Received: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Waiting: 9

Thank you all! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


I’d like to sign up for May.

Also, #8 April, received:

#5 @Maslover12 Awesome ad card from Big Sherm’s Fresh Sandwiches, San Francisco’s Freshest! These sandwiches look good. I might head there if I ever visit San Francisco again.

#14 @TwoDoggies Another cool ad card from Galerie Kartis, Unique Jewelry & Fine Art in El Paso.

I’ve gotten so many awesome ad cards this month. Thanks to everyone who has sent me one!


NARR Alternative April #10 Reporting
Sent: All
Received: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13
Still looking forward to: 4, 10,14

#5 @Maslover12 sent a vintage university of Colorado postcard. Vintage cards are some of my favorites to receive!

#6 @sraelling sent a beautiful vintage card of a church baptismal font located in the Notre Dame Basilica. One of my favorite cards Ive ever received! Thank you!

#8 @KQ sent a vintage Detroit card.I love cards like this that show how much a location has changed over time

#9 @Cocosmom sent a mount Rushmore postcard. Ive never been but Id love to visit someday!

#13 @Blue_Fox sent a black and white cowgirl postcard. I love it!


April 2024
#14 reporting cards received.
#1 @AccentonHakes sent a beautiful RPPC of two Francois’ Langurs (mini-monkeys?) I’ve never seen before.

#2 @Hazygirl sent a VA map card for my challenge. I still think it would be interesting to get cards for one state. There are a surprising number of different cards out there in the world.

#3 @harleyq2btrue sent a very cute doggie. What did you make with filet crochet?

#4 @Maslover12 sent a GF Iowa with a map. I’ve never been to Iowa. I hope I can someday.

#5 @sleepyhippo1 sent a Cypress Gardens “Now and Then” card. Amazingly they look pretty much the same! To be really accurate, the “Now” should be blank since Cypress Gardens is sadly no longer.

#6 @sraelling View card of Sanibel Island, FLA. Also a cool circus stamp. This definitely works for my challenge. I have a few people bringing me postcards when they go on vacation and sometimes I feel weird about sending them, but it’s no different than buying cards on-line IMO.

#7 @MissChristinaAnne sends a GF SC. I was born in Charleston and grew up on James Island. I laughed when you said you were looking for the South of the Border signs. Everyone loved those! The same day your card arrived, I also got a GF South of the Border card from another RR. A great coincidence.

#8 @KQ Come back to Detroit! I absolutely love this card (guns not so much, but hey it’s a post card). This story is sort of related; hope it makes sense. Here goes. I live near Washington DC, a city also known for violent crime. The NBA team used to be called the Washington Bullets (now the Wizards). Anyway, a radio DJ said the team owners were thinking about changing the name because it was associated with too much violence. So…they were going to take the name Washington out. Bah dump bump…

#9 @Cocosmom sent a card about oranges. I worked in libraries also, but never as a “professional”.

#9 @Calisunshine sent an adorable Cocker Spaniel puppy. I love it. Cool that you going to be a vet assistant!

#11 @eirbjorn goat with glasses. My Dad was super into kite flying. He and my Mom would take picnics to the park and fly kites. Whenever we went to the beach he always had a good assortment in the days before anyone was flying a fancy kite. He passed all the kites along to my husband who only gets the opportunity to fly if we go to the beach. I have not yet heard of windless, indoor kite flying.

#12 @kat4544 sent a map of the earth’s orbit and the northern hemisphere. I’m so, so sorry you also lost your pup. I do have another pup though so it’s not as hard.

#13 @Blue_Fox sent a GF Ed’s A-1 used Beach. (Garfield). Hope you are feeling better! My husband has had a couple of back surgeries. The “before” the surgery time was brutal.


April has been wild for me!! Anybody else? I’ve been meaning to post all the great cards I’ve received but I ran out of time each day. Well, today is the day! I’ve got time now as I sit in the Miami port awaiting to board our cruise. :smile: :ship:

Thanks in advance to everyone whose card has been received so far… I’ll check the mail again when I return home. :heart:

  1. @Calisunshine : such a fun mix of elephant and octopus… land and sea! And I love that happy mail sticker!!

  2. @AccentOnHakes : I hope you enjoyed visiting with your new niece or nephew… newborns are my favorite!

@Hazygirl : we’ve lived in Nashville a little over a year now… it has its perks for sure, but I still miss Chattanooga. :white_heart: ps: I love that Polaroid sticker!!

  1. @harleyq2btrue : vintage cards are great! and yes, I love those scalloped edges too!!

@Sunhilde : I have a TBR list about a mile long and that’s not even counting the new releases. I started a new job so I’ve had much less time for reading, sadly. this card is so cute btw!

@sleepyhippo1 : Nashville has changed in 20 years - trust me!! I’ve only been here a year but many people tell me it has grown wildly over the years and new restaurants, apartments, and hotels are popping up everyday. come back soon! :smiling_face:

  1. @kat4544 : omg - we love Schitts Creek! we watched it obsessively and David was our favorite. he was simply the best…better than all the rest. :wink:

  2. @Maslover12 : it think we had more than a week of rain here and I was over it by day two. yuck! love that washi - so cute!

@Blue_Fox : I hope you’re doing much better now and healing up quickly! Sending all the good vibes your way for a speedy recovery!

  1. @TwoDoggies : I’ve been collecting matchbooks too! Mostly I find them at antiques stores but there’s a few restaurants and shops locally that give them away for nostalgia. Great octopus sticker!! :octopus:

  2. @sraelling : aren’t the cave parks so awesome! my husband and I want to visit mammoth cave NP again to take a longer, more in depth tour. they’re fascinating! I’m glad you enjoyed your trip. SD is on my bucket list!

  3. @KQ : I’ve met the guy who draws UrbnPop, Chris Hamer, several times at comic conventions and was drawn to his unique style. (fyi: he’s on Instagram as urbnpop.) Also, I love the sidewalk drawings… I keep finding them on social media using manholes, cracks, etc. They’re so creative! :white_heart:


one beautiful card in my Mailbox for #3 a wonderful ice encrusted White Shoal Lighthouse card from #8 @KQ ah as things start to warm up ill be looking at this postcard & wishing i was there, sounds like a busy week and very glad the power was back on,… perhaps ill have to go to MI for a lighthouse tour one day :slight_smile: Thank you for the great card!


April #9 Received from #8 @KQ
Oh, I like this lighthouse. I haven’t been up that way in Michigan. Thank you Kevin!


April #11

8 @KQ What cool art! It hurts my brain to look at it. I admire the transience of temporary art like that. I’ve learned some German, and lived in Germany for a couple years, so hopefully it will help ease into Old English!


#3 reporting
good afternoon Hubby & I took the Puppy for a afternoon drive & put all of Mays postcards in the mail.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful relaxing weekend with at least a little time for themselves.


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#2 hazygirl

#8 @KQ sent the Mackinac Bridge. Such a pretty bridge. I always think I’m buying enough cards when I’m somewhere and then when I get home I wash I bought more.


April, #7 - Cards will be in the mail tomorrow.

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April #1
@TwoDoggies #13 Thanks for the lovely camping card! I was too busy this year to get outside, but I would love to go on a camping trip soon.

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NARR Alternative April #10 Reporting
Sent: All
Received: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14
Still looking forward to: 4

#14 @TwoDoggies sent a LouPaper State card of South Carolina. Thank you for helping with my collection and the lovely back story

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#2 Hazygirl
All May cards are traveling


April #9
Received from #5 @Maslover12 Thank you Steph for the Jetoy cats. I love them :heartpulse: And there is pink for my April color theme and an apple! Super cute washi tape
Received from #14 @TwoDoggies Beautiful pink door and window, again for my April color theme! It’s true, I bet there aren’t many pink doors in condo developments! Thank you Terri.


#12 reporting for April
#14 @TwoDoggies I am so in love with this card!! How did your book turn out? I’m on a fantasy kick right now but love recommendations.

#13 @Blue_Fox thank you for the Shaman card. I hope your recovery is going well.