[RR] Alternative Monthly NARR - Jan-Sept 2024 - Sept sign-ups closed

April #11 I received from #3 @harleyq2btrue
Thank you for the warm welcome! I am really enjoying PC so far and have loved connecting with others. You called the card mundane, but regardless of subject the use of light is incredible, and now I’m craving grapes :joy::grapes:


March #10 checking in :partying_face:

#13 @Beachyblonde - I bet being down in the Gulf Coast was great! I hope you had a fun trip and a wonderful birthday :yellow_heart:

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All April cards sent out yesterday.
#12 reporting

#3 @harleyq2btrue Harley I love that you recycle into postcards. Also boba is one of my favorite drinks. Thank you for the card!
#1 @AccentOnHakes thank you for the cute ‘frog not actually a frog’ card! I actually love frogs and have for a long time. This one looks pretty tiny.
#5 @sleepyhippo1 what a wonderful corgi card! It looks just like my Penny! This is her with her favorite ball!

#11 @Sunhilde i have never heard of Brigsby Bear, I will definitely look for it. How fun to be in a movie club! I find myself rewatching movies that I’ve seen multiple times, they are just so comforting.


Hazygirl reporting

@AccentOnHakes sent a great dark and mysterious painting by Monet. This one is a different look than most of his famous paintings

@Sunhilde sent a very unique mermaid. Spring is kind of hiding around here. It’s been kind of rainy and cold lately. My favorite thing I’ve seen on a road trip is a sculpture of Skeleton man walking his dinosaur. It’s in South Dakota.

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NARR Alternative April #10 Reporting

Sent: All
Received: 3, 11
Still looking forward to: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14

@harleyq2btrue sent a Oregon wine country card. I love the road trip! I have the family stop everywhere for cards too🤣 Im not even sorry

@Sunhilde sent a beautiful Oregon landscape card. I cant imagine starting the military circus after the civilian life! Cheers to you guys. Our whole marriage has been military life. Looking forward to retirement and figuring out life in the wild :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


April #1

@harleyq2btrue #3 Great photo from Mt Rainier NP’s Spray Lake. I mean, catching up on postcards can be a fun “chore”…right?
@Cocosmom #9 Thank you for adding Stanley, ID to my map! I hope you enjoyed your nature preserve visit!
@Sunhilde #11 Thanks for the great card from Timberline Lodge! I worked in Portland for a summer and loved it. I wonder if I will make it back to the PNW one day.


Hazygirl Reporting
@harleyq2btrue Sent the University of Washington Husky Stadium. Choice I love Stadium cards, especially ones off the beaten path


#12 reporting April
#10 @Calisunshine thank you for the cute Donald Duck card. I get how he feels here!


good afternoon all #3 reposting some received postcards

from #1 @AccentOnHakes a beautiful wild prairie rose postcard, yes we had hail here two days ago , not unheard of in April but i feel like spring still isn’t ready to sprung just yet. I do hope you enjoy your well deserved time off what ever the weather. thank you for the beautiful card!!

and from #9 @Cocosmom a interesting Fuji RVP card, this is the first one like this i have received, but a beautiful view of the highway & shore line.i can see how that would be a scary drive especially in the dark! April has been interesting so far. thank you for the lovely view card!!

thats it for right now i hope everyone has a great evening :slight_smile:


Received 3 cards for April from @sleepyhippo1 , @Calisunshine , @AccentOnHakes

Thanks :heart: so much!


#6 reporting:

All cards are written and will begin their journeys tomorrow (4/12/24). :clap:t2:

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#6 reporting:

Five cards have already arrived. :clap:t2:

From #1@AccentOnHakes a terracotta “Parrot Vessel.” Sounds like you had a great visit to Chicago! And more postcards to add to your stash. :grin:


From #3 @harleyq2btrue a Puyallup landmark, the Ezra Meeker Mansion! Seventeen rooms? I’d definitely hire help. :rofl::rofl:


@Calisunshine (#10) sent an iconic view of London! You will have a great time when you visit!


And @Sunhilde (#11) sent a simple and cute illustration! We do love being here although it was hard to move after being in Wisconsin over 40 years. :wink:


And from #12 @kat4544 a dog patiently waiting outside a coffee shop (?) for its human. :rofl: I’ve seen this scene often. Dogs are special.


Thank you all so much! :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:


April #1

@sleepyhippo1 #5 Thanks for the card from your hometown! Love that your library had cards.
@Calisunshine #10 Thanks for the great CA card! I grew up thinking the license plates were boring, but now I appreciate their simplistic grace. I always smile when I see one on the road, though I don’t have one anymore.


April #9 I have sent all my cards :mailbox:

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April #9 And I have received from #11 Ada @Sunhilde a cool card of the Steel Bridge in Portland, Oregon with the cherry trees in bloom. Thank you!

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#2 hazygirl

#10 @Calisunshine sent a super cute Winnie the Pooh. He always makes me happy.


April #11

I received
#10 @Calisunshine a pretty cactus photo. I love the color grading on it! I’m also from Cali originally.

#1 @AccentOnHakes sent birds! I had never seen a green broadbill before. It is amazing that it is so bright!

#12 @kat4544 thank you for the adorable fox card! Donut and coffee, the perfect breakfast! lol. Love the sticker and gnome tape, too! I never knew my bio dad, but his last name was Fox and I have a fox stuffed animal he gave my mom when they were dating, so they were always a mysterious animal to me, holding a special place in my heart. I’d be hard pressed to come up with a favorite board game, there is too many! I do love Lost Cities and Sagrada off the top of my head. Labyrinth is a great one!


Hello all
#3 reporting for the month of April

#10 @Calisunshine sent a fun vintage card depicting the Santa Fe railway station, its fun to look back at how things have changed over the years, (and hope its been for the better.) also i have to wonder where everyone was traveling to in some of these cards :slight_smile: thank you for the great card!

Also #12 @kat4544 with a “Erin Rose, New Orleans” post card, very fun & the beautiful Rose & butterfly’s on the revers. im with you i love to sit down and write & register postcards, unfortunately the last few days i seem to be a "revolving doggy door " as yes spring has sprung here and our pooch loves to go out and bark at everything! thank you for the fun card!!


April #1
@Hazygirl #2 Great ADG card of Detroit! The play your niece is in sounds fun–if I could choose my HP house I would be a Hufflepuff!

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April cards have been mailed.

Received for April
@Calisunshine A lion playing the guitar. That’s neat California has a clear Lake too.
@Hazygirl Solar eclipse card. People were the same here too.
@AccentOnHakes Spools of heart thread. If it does then I’m one too, and I’m not a grandma. Haha
@Sunhilde Beautiful jellyfish. Hope you have a great time.
@kat4544 Denver zoo. It’s always fun when the animals are active. Cute sticker and washi.
@harleyq2btrue A neat round card. Thanks for passing it on to me. I love having the house to myself.

Thanks everyone