[RR] Alternative Monthly NARR - Jan-Sept 2024 - Sept sign-ups closed

Hello everyone!
New Year, new thread!

The Alternative Monthly North America RR that opens each month after the main NARR closes. The goal of this RR is to create a second group of members who were not able to join the main RR but still want to exchange cards for the month.

A few ground rules:

  • @cawindt ‘s RR is still the main one. This alternative RR will only open AFTER the main NARR has closed for the month.
  • Anyone is welcome to join, even members of the main NARR. However, if more than 20 people join, 2 groups will be made randomly, each with half of the month’s participants.
  • This RR will close on the 1st of the month regardless of how many people have joined.
  • If some members do decide to join despite being in the main RR, please give priority to the main RR and send your card for that one first. You can therefore have until the 20 of the month to send cards for this one.
  • Please consider the preferences of members when choosing cards!
  • If you are joining for the first time, don’t forget to send me your address
  • This RR is open to North America members only!

Thank you everyone for your interest :slight_smile:

Participating members for Sept 2024

  1. @faxvr
  2. @virgomar0918
  3. @harleyq2btrue
  4. @Maslover12
  5. @sleepyhippo1
  6. @Cocosmom

Participating members for August 2024

  1. @PuckforPresident Sent all / To receive: 2,7
  2. @tia272 / To receive: 1,3,4,5,6,7,8
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / To receive: 2,7
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 2,7
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / To receive: 2,
  6. @sraelling Sent all / To receive: 2,4,
  7. @Beachyblonde Sent all / To receive: 2
  8. @virgomar0918 Sent all / To receive: 2,

Participating members for July 2024

  1. @AccentOnHakes Sent all / Received all
  2. @beatriceh Sent all / Received all
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 3,6,7
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all
  6. @sraelling Sent all / Received all
  7. @nursegarry / To receive: 10
  8. @KQ Sent all / Received all
  9. @theadventuringheidi Sent all / Received all
  10. @PuckforPresident Sent all / Received all

Participating members for June 2024

  1. @blubay2021 Sent all / To receive: 7
  2. @saoirse253 / To receive: 1
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / Received all
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all
  6. @potatertot Sent all / To receive: 4,9
  7. @nursegarry / Received all
  8. @KQ Sent all / To receive: 5
  9. @virgomar0918 Sent all / Received all
  10. @antoniaseagull Sent all / Received all

Participating members for May 2024

  1. @Angeldreamer Sent all / Received all
  2. @Hazygirl Sent all / Received all
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all!
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 2,3
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all
  6. @Cocosmom Sent all / Received all
  7. @blubay2021 Sent all / Received all!
  8. @KQ Sent all / Received all

Participating members for April 2024

  1. @AccentOnHakes Sent all / Received all!
  2. @Hazygirl Sent all / Received all!
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 3,6,7,13
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all!
  6. @sraelling Sent all / Received all!
  7. @MissChristinaAnne Sent all / To receive: 9
  8. @KQ Sent all / Received all
  9. @Cocosmom Sent all / Received all!
  10. @Calisunshine Sent all / To receive: 4
  11. @Sunhilde Sent all / To receive: 9,14
  12. @kat4544 Sent all / To receive: 6,
  13. @Blue_Fox Sent all / Received all
  14. @TwoDoggies Sent all / Received all

Participating members for March 2024

  1. @AccentOnHakes Sent all / Received all
  2. @rainandfog Sent all / Received all
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 7,
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all
  6. @nursegarry / To receive: 5,
  7. @oniisen / To receive: 5,6,
  8. @KQ Sent all / To receive: 6,
  9. @Cocosmom / To receive: 6,10
  10. @potatertot Sent all / To receive: 6,
  11. @LaurenceB Sent all / To receive: 6
  12. @kat4544 Sent all / To receive: 6
  13. @Beachyblonde Sent all / To receive: 6,
  14. @k8thegr8 Sent all / To receive: 6,11

Participating members for February 2024

  1. @Angeldreamer Sent all / Received all!
  2. @Hazygirl Sent all / To receive: 10,
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all / Received all!
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 10
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all / Received all
  6. @sraelling Sent all / Received all
  7. @oniisen Sent all / Received all
  8. @KQ Sent all / Received all
  9. @Cocosmom Sent all / To receive: 4
  10. @potatertot Sent all / To receive: 11
  11. @LaurenceB Sent all / Received all!

Participating members for January 2024

  1. @CStar9 Sent all / Received all!
  2. @Beachyblonde Sent all / To receive: 7,
  3. @harleyq2btrue Sent all/ Received all
  4. @Maslover12 Sent all / To receive: 7,
  5. @sleepyhippo1 Sent all/ To receive: 7,
  6. @sraelling Sent all / To receive: 7,
  7. @Mingfei7 To receive: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11
  8. @mon23 Sent all / To receive: 6,
  9. @Cocosmom Sent all / Received all
  10. @Calisunshine Sent all / Received all
  11. @Hazygirl Sent all / Received all

happy new year! i would love to join for Jan. please :slight_smile:

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I want to join#

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Please count me in for January! :grin:

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Yes please, I would like to join for January :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’ve missed this! I will carve time into my schedule so please add me!

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Me, please and merci :slight_smile:

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I would love to join for January!

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I’d like to join please. I DM’d the address :mailbox_with_mail:

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I’ll join

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Can I join?

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I’d like to join if there’s room. Thanks.

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I will exceptionally send the addresses tomorrow because of New Years celebrations today!

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#10 Reporting all cards are in the mailbox :mailbox_with_mail:

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All my cards going out in tomorrow’s mail

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all cards went out this morning :slight_smile:

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I mailed out all of my cards today.

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January #3 reporting:

I received my first card from this group before I’ve sent any out. :woman_facepalming:

From @harleyq2btrue a cute otter “having a great time!” Thanks so much for making my day. :partying_face::clap:t2:

See you soon!


#1 reporting that all my cards for January are in the mail! :slight_smile:

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#1 reporting a wonderful card from @Calisunshine (#10) — you are the first person to do my monthly challenge on luck/fortune. Thank you! And hearty congratulations on 20 years!!! A cruise in Italy is a terrific way to celebrate :slight_smile: :slight_smile: