[CLOSED] Postcards for a First Grade Classroom - ALL 50 STATES USA

The first grade class at Assumption School in San Leandro, California received a postcard from each of the 50 states! :sparkles:

If anyone who participated would like a thank you post card from the students, please DM me your address!

:heart::white_heart::blue_heart: THANK YOU for participating! :heart::white_heart::blue_heart:


Florida informational card on its way.


Sending a postcard from Tennessee!

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Sending one from Arizona!

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Sending cards of NY, NJ, VA, Maine and Montana. Regards, JamesC (in NY)

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I will send a card from Maine.

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I will send a card from South Carolina

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Sending a card from New Mexico!


Sending a card from Georgia

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Sending from Illinois!

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Sending one from Massachusetts!

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I can send a card from California.

It will show an image of something about the state.

Such an awesome project!

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Iā€™m happy to send one from Idaho!
Great project, good luck and have fun!

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North Carolina en route.

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I will send one from Indiana. What a great learning experience for your 1st grade class!


Sending from Colorado!

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I will send a card from Wisconsin.

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I will send one from Maryland.

I work in Washington DC. If you want to include that on your list then I can mail it from work. Let me know.


Sending a card from Minnesota!

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One card from Texas, on its way tomorrow when the post office reopens!

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