Replies of messages

To demonstrate, I see this when I did open the arrow of replies and 2 people did reply. Beneath that I see again the reply of Billie, but there is no picture with an arrow?

Ah well, it is easily done to just get used to this new way, it is not a big problem. I just wanted it to say something about it anyway, because maybe it was an easy thing to change. @nekelin says is nicely in my opinion, I think that is the right attitude.

When someone replies to the the last post, the they will not be linked together. If more people reply to the same post, it will show as reply, but not back. As it’s not necessary when the post + the reply directly follow each other.

Ah that makes sense!

@vogelwikje the screen shot you made is from PC. Only on smartphone there are arrows back to the answers.
I adding a picture for easier understanding

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No, these arrows also exist on PC :slight_smile: But not when there is no other post in between.

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Arrows with pictures, I mean
After closer look, you are right @Cassiopheia :sweat_smile:
Means that the pictures only disappear when you open the replies from the original post and then see the anwers underneath it.