Pre-paid postcards with no stamps

I have bought those pre-paid postcards from my local Canada Post outlet. I like them for their convenience and their size. They also have a series of UNESCO World Heritage Site postcards that have been well received by international recipients. The only downside is I wish there was a larger variety and selection of pre-paid postcard imagery available.

I presume it is a differentiation to let customers know that they are purchasing a pre-paid postcard. If a customer is buying a non pre-stamped postcard, it is about 40 cents versus $2.71 for one that is pre-stamped.

I am an avid stamp collector. I’m also a letter collector with unique stamps on them and a post card collector. If I had a choice it would be commemorative stamps but if I get a label or pre paid. Its Ok with me! I haven’t received a pre paid yet, except for a family birthday card sent to me. I’m actually looking forward to having one in my collection.
I have too many stamp available to use so I always add a fair amount to the post card I’m sending out. I’m always buying stamps when I come across pretty ones that were just issued.

Good to know I’m not the only Australian wondering about these things! Some other opinions in this thread may be of interest to you too:

I’ve resisted so far getting into maxicards because so many Aussies seem to send them almost exclusively, but then they seem to be very positively received… Maybe I just need to get on board the Maxi train anyway!

And I find it fascinating that you’ve put used or small denomination stamps on cards that don’t need postage, I don’t think I would ever have thought to do that… As you say, it’s fun to see what others do, and also to hear what everyone else values! :love_letter:

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These are the older style ones produced by The Postcard Factory, and I wonder if it was an aesthetic choice by them? It seems that Canada Post and them have parted ways, but the new ones retain a partial pseudo-cancel image on the back as well.

Perhaps to try and make clearer that they are pre-paid? Not sure if it works.

Is this one of the new ones?

Yes! That’s right, with the half circle.

This is quite reassuring! Australia Post has some lovely prepaid postcards, and given the confusing price increases and weird zones for letter postage, they would be a convenient solution.

It’s nice to hear that most people don’t seem to view them negatively, so I think I’ll go ahead and purchase some more and be guided by the recipient’s profile as to whether to send a prepaid one or not.

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