Postcrossers requesting Workboots Postcards

In the last 2-3 weeks I have seen Postcrossers requesting WorkBoots Postcards. I thought they meant pictures of boots worn by trades-men. Some were more specific Work Boots PRIDE or Workboots Penpal. A little digging revealed the WorkBoots online store?
Do you include them in your stash?
What designs would you suggest stocking for postcrossers?
Why are some of their collections incomplete/ missing?

I only found workboot shop about footwear.
No idea what shop you mean, never seen someone ask for such card or then I thought they mean boots :).

Every time when someone is talking about some series, it would be good they tell it’s a series.

Do you have a link to what postcards it is then?


I’ve never seen that in a profile - only in yours.
Is that your shop?


Same for me and all about your shop seems to be empty.


I suspect it is their shop (could also be a spouce/friend of OP), as they are located in the same place in Australia, and reading their comments here: Where do you buy PRIDE postcards from?

And like Tetsuko said, I am not able to see any of the images either :woman_shrugging: So it looks empty.


Lol :joy: right.

Lol that’s what I think about too with work boots :boot:. Thank you for sharing. I haven’t personally seen the requests. Must be something with your algorithms.