Postcards to colour

I think this is the key to sorting out my thoughts on the matter. Is it like a game (in postcard format) you’re gifting, or is it a type of a finished picture to be appreciated as is?

I’ve never seen a paint-by-numbers postcard before so it would make total sense you’d assume always uncoloured based on that example—I would agree that’s definitely a game to gift to the recipient.

And, @AstroBee , your colouring is stunning!


You’re colouring talent is amazing :grinning:. Normally I don’t like receiving selfmade cards. I’ve had some bad experiences with that , just a piece of calenderpicture cut oyt roughly and only the name and ID on thd backside for example. I allways take a lot of effort to find the right card in my large stock or try to find it in a shop allthough my finances aren’t so great :thinking:. But your card I would love to receive so maybe I’ll change my profile once again :grin:.

Now to the subject, I’ve never received a postcard to colour but have send it to a member who asks for it on her profile.
If I would receive one, coloured or uncoulered I would prefer them in an envellop because of the way our mail is treated sometimes.


Thank you. I assure you though that they didn’t look like this 4 years ago, it takes practice and its still not as good as many others I have seen. I hope more people will write that they would like coloured cards :blush:


In my profile I state that I like all kinds of cards including handmade so I’m hoping that if someone who likes to color coloring postcard comes across it, they will send one to me.

Reading this thread made me think about getting back into coloring, and of course coloring postcards, which lead me to start looking for a tag on the old forum for coloring postcards. Apparently it’s not there anymore, but I made a poll here hoping that we can bring it back on the new forum.

I still have lots of coloring pencils and some coloring books, so even though I have no coloring postcards at the moment, I can make my own. Just for fun. :grin:
(One of my new year resolutions this year was to not buy any new cards for at least three months. If the tag makes it though, I might break that resolution. :joy:)


I would love to receive a coloured in one or one for myself to colour in! Does anyone know if there is a tag for these types of cards? Or where I can buy them?

I find they are normally sold in postcard books, at bookstores. I have some that are fairies and also scenes from the movie Magical Creatures and Where to Find them. I would be happy to trade them uncoloured, please message me if interested. :slight_smile:

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There is a poll for opening a tag here. :wink:

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You can get them from Amazon, book depository and some smaller stores. Mine are by colouring artist Johanna Basford. Hanna Karlzon has lovely ones too. If you search for colouring postcards you’ll find them. I find not all things can be used on them. Lower quality pencils and pens or alcohol based pens tend to bleed. If you want anymore help please just send me a message :blush:

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I am about to order some from Pepin. (Because the The Coloring Postcards Tag is now open. Great reason to buy new cards. :laughing:)
Do you have any experience with those?

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Absolutely none at all, I just googled them. Let me know when they arrive if you’re happy with them :grin:

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BTW I’m definitely going to join in but I need to colour one then tag as it can take me a while :grin:

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The tags got stuck thanks to someone not specifying what they want :persevere:

I just received my very first postcard to colour! And I only realised it when I saw “postcard to color and send” written on the back :sweat_smile: I mean, it looks so beautiful this way…

Now, to answer your question, I think I prefer them blank but I wouldn’t mind coloured… perhaps I need to receive one coloured to see how I feel. Nevertheless, I won’t be colouring them because I’m afraid I’ll mess it up.


I have a whole box of flora and fauna coloring postcards that someone gave me, and I was wondering the same thing about sending without coloring. I have been thinking about sending to kids when I pull an address that’s obviously a family (and maybe send a different card to the parents, as well). Not sure. If anyone wants some, send me a pm. Be happy to trade an few blank in an envelope for one written and mailed postcard.

I’d love to received them colored than uncolored. I once got one from Denmark and it was nice. As for me, I don’t know if I am good at coloring them - I guess I am not that confident with my coloring skills. Hihi

I wouldn’t mind either way, unless they were coloured in really badly. Which is what would happen if I did it myself, so a blank one would be wasted on me.

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I guess I am unusual. I like mine uncolored because I use coloring and postcrossing as an anxiety reliever. since I have found them I haven’t had as many problems

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I send them blank and as the member to send me a picture of it all colored.

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it seems like most prefer them colored but would send them blank because they dont trust their coloring “skills”. So that makes a loop… I think colouring means expression and is not a skill. If someone is just careful, there cannot be a “wrong” coloured card…


I only ever sent one of this postcards because the person I sent it to wrote on her profile, that she likes to color. So I sent it uncolored.
I usually keep from sending this cards. I have them, because they were given to me but now they are lying around here. Maybe I come across such a profile again :slight_smile: