[Closed] Received postcards

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I was super lucky to have won a wonderful card in one of Nanpostals lotteries! :heartpulse:

It came with absolutely gorgeous stamps and I find his handwriting very neat! :smiley:

Nanpostal gives away such splendid cards in his lotteries! Only recently I’ve been drooling :drooling_face: over the cards he gives away these days and was very tempted to play again, but held myself back, because doesn’t everybody want a super card with precious stamps from Chile :chile:?

Thank you so much for your generosity, Nanpostal! :hugs:


Sorry, but I’ll close this topic again.

We cannot have thank-you topics for individual users in the forum.

Users can show what they received from you in the topic where the giveaway or lottery was announced. For postcards received in a “tag” there’s the tag-cards thankyou topic.

For showing good stamps users can use this topic: