Postcards from Austria to US hardly delivered

My impression is that the name is irrelevant for urban addresses.

We just had a postcard USAā€“>USA get registered this weekā€¦after travelling 42 days. The registration message commented that they didnā€™t know where the postcard was for so long because they had just received it the day they registered it. Our USA postcards typically take 10-12 days, so something is definitely going on with our mail.


Same here! I only have two expired postcards at the moment, both for the US.

My last official card to the USA was registered on October 26th.

Since then none of my 19 official travelling cards (but some have travelled for longer and are clearly lost or the Postcrosser lost interest.) to the USA has been registered. :roll_eyes:

That reminds me in a bad way of 2007, when many, many cards and letters did not make it to the USA, but some did.

Now, for me anyway, no snailmail (cards and letters) arrives in the USA at all.

Next thing I know Iā€™ll be blocked from Postcrossing because my cards donā€™t get registered in the USA. That happened to a penfriend of mine (if I remember correctly!!!), as her cards did not make it to China.

Hopefully not.

I donā€™t care about the slots, as I have so many anyway, and never all in use, and I am relatively patient, but itā€™s a waste of time, money and my effort.

I consider writing a letter of complaint once I have the time.

Then none if my snailmail will ever arrive in the USA anymore! :crazy_face:


I would like to offer another account that backs up your claim.

My recent experience does not depend on the official Postcrossing that requires the recipients to register, but is about forum giveaway / private swap etc.

A batch of Gundam-themed covers and postcards were sent from Japan universally around 5 November. They started being received around the world (including Canada) one week after that day. But the ones sent to the US still havenā€™t arrived.

A batch of covers and postcards prepared for JAPEX 2023 were sent from Japan universally on 3 November. Again, they started being received one week after that day. But my American recipient only received one of the two cards sent to him yesterday (1 December); the other one that was sent at the same time is still travelling.

It seems to take now roughly 1 month for cards sent from Japan to reach the US ā€¦ And if anyone thinks itā€™s due to the distance or a fault on the part of Japan Post ā€“ well, I canā€™t tell how fast it used to be between US and Japan, but I keep receiving my mails in Canada from Japan within 5 business day. So the problem is more USPS-centered.


Wow! I thought it was just me. Thatā€™s EXACTLY when I noticed a drastic change. Deliveries that took 7 days were suddenly taking 30 or more.


Postcards to the USA really get there very slowly these days. This is what the situation looks like at the moment.


I have the same problem with my cards to the US. They are not beeing delivered. :pensive: All other cards are reaching their destinations quite fast even though I now only send economy. cards from the US are reaching me fast as well.


I didnā€™t arrange for many private swap with US and the most recent card which I sent on November 9th, arrived in US on November 28th, 2023. Which is kind of normal about 20 days to arrives.

Iā€™ve just had one arrive in Philadelphia in 12 days. Itā€™s the fastest recently but I havenā€™t had any extreme delays.

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These are my stats.
From my experience the speed to USA is typically slower than the other big three country Germany (we canā€™t send to Russia currently so no information on that end) but still trudging along decently.

I presume there will be delays in December because of holiday mail, or more likely, online packages

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My current state for within the US really shows the slow down. What would typically take 3-5 days max is way longer now.

The USPS has experienced difficulties for about a year and half now due to the labor shortage in the US - unemployment is very low and they have been consistently trying to hire more staff, but itā€™s been a challenge. Others mention some other contributing factors. I canā€™t explain why youā€™ve had difficulties in the past two months - nothingā€™s gotten worse, as far as I know. Iā€™ve had a couple friends mention delays in sending or receiving specific mailpieces, but it seems to be rare. Personally, everything Iā€™ve sent or received domestically has taken one week or less, the rest of the world - one to four weeks. When itā€™s on the slower end, itā€™s always been specific to the country Iā€™m sending/receiving from.

Mine to the US have been arriving.

(Average travel time to the US Oct-Dec 2018 was 14 days, Oct-Dec 2023 is 14 days).

My current traveling to the US. One expired in the past year (to very active user, I think this one is just lost in the mail), one expiring soon (to user not logged in in the past month).


My cards to the US which I sent on the forum tags are also still travelling even after 2 months!


For me somehow I had really long time in 2021/2022 but after the middle of 2022 it started to get better as you see from the pictures . At the moment I send postcards from Germany ( the longest one that is more then 300 days I thought that it wonā€™t get registered but all of a sudden it got registered but I do have 3 or 4 postcards to USA that surpassed one year so even if they got it they canā€™t register it

Iā€™ve discovered my issue


My latest registered postcard to the US took exactly 150 days. Some days ago, one was registered after 118 days, and the fastest in the last months took 44 days:

It was the first in a long while to be registered before expiring.
The postcards I sent from Italy in the past year usually took too long to be registered (30-40 days on average for a postcard to Germany), but the travelling times to the States are unusually long. Iā€™m somehow glad to read it may not be (completely) the fault of Poste Italiane. :smiley:


Something specific seems to be going wrong for you guys. Mail to/from Europe Iā€™ve been consistently getting in 1-3 weeks, where three weeks is unusually long. Postcards or any other mail (typically letters).

Over the weekend I received a mail from Germany, only ~7 days after the day it was sent. It was in an envelope, and showed up in my informed delivery list (which means it was properly scanned and automatically sorted). I guess when the auto processing machines work well, arrival could be pretty quick. Otherwiseā€¦ :face_with_raised_eyebrow: