Postcard writing prompts - ideas welcome!

I am sooo stealing this idea. :slight_smile:

One lazy prompt would be to hit the “random article” button in Wikipedia. You transcribe in the postcard the title and the first few sentences of the article you got, no matter how unfamiliar or silly it is.

Achieve an be proud. Something you are proud of accomplishing.

Carpe diem, is the time you seized the day and gained something unexpected.

Winning (Winner, Winner, Chicken dinner)- something you have ‘won’ recently;y. Yesterday I unblocked a garden hose without needing to buy anything- winning. I have almost posted 600 cards via postprocessing, winning.

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Finders keepers.

When you found something and were allowed to keep it. Recently a roadcrew made a footpath on my street. They left behind 6 fence posts. After 6 weeks, I asked other neighbours, and rang the Council, and I was allowed to keep them to use in my garden.

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I remember this prompt from another postcrosser, “Tell me what you see out your window.” I still remember writing about what I saw out my window, it was night and I remember writing about the stars, the moon and how clear it was.

I can’t take credit for this idea, I think I saw it on social media, “What was the last kind thing you did for someone else?” As a parent I often asked my child this question as well as, “What is the best thing that happened today?”


I usually read the persons profile and try to write about things they talk about in their profile if we have anything in common.

If we have nothing in common, I’ll write about whatever is on the postcard I’m sending

Hello, On this topic of hug and kisses i am a big hugger and kiss on the cheeks. I do let anyone i meet know this. " He i am a hugger are you okay with this" i also call everyone love or babe. Is easyer for me. I twnd to forget names but I am great with face. I am half Salvadorian and Mexican raised in the US.


Here are two prompts:

What is your first childhood memory?

Do you believe in ghosts? Why or why not?

What’s your dream job? If money, skills, education etc. didn’t matter, what would you like to work as?

What’s the last dream you remember having?

What’s the last movie you watched and how did you like it? No spoilers!

What book are you currently reading? How is it? No spoilers!

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Prompt idea: tell me the backstory behind the postcard. Where did you get it? Why did you choose it? etc.


I’m looking forward to hearing back on:

When was the last time you did something for the first time?


I’m really curious about…

How and when did you start mailing postcards?
How did you start Postcrossing?

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Cookies of your local area or country. Including the cookies that are occasionaly. Around Christmas Easter Worldpostcardday birthday old/newyear and etcetra.

This suggestion is for writing prompt. And or blog. In a blog sent received postcards could be linked in a comment.

@KemalUnalTR welcome to the forum. I see a notice about your first post (This is the first time KemalUnalTR has posted — let’s welcome them to our community!). Recommended to check your inbox here.

Maybe my suggestion of cookies was suggested before. Or placed.

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  • The meaning behind the country’s flag
  • Top 5 of important dates in the region/country
  • Curiosities about the postal service where you live

I basically run with what the user tells about him or her on their profile. So each card will have something different. If the profile is no indicating much then in no particular order I will tell them…
About my city,
My family
About their Postcrossing info eg if they have crossed 10K, 20K so on.
About visiting their country if I have
About the card I am posting them
Or about the stamps I have affixed.

We talked this with a friend, how weird things can make people feel safe. I imagine diving in river :smile:


  • What makes you feel safe? Something you do, drink, think/remember, imagine? Someone?

Another could be:

  • How did you get to live where you live, how long have you lived there, why did you move there (if you did), are you planning or wanting to move away from there, or wanting to stay?

  • Thing/hobby you did as a child/younger, and stopped, and later you wish you didn’t? Did you start it again?