Postcard relevance to source country

I have sent topic cards from other countries (churches/castles/historic sites/well known places like Eiffel tower etc) and I have a whole stack of Maxi cards from Australia rather than New Zealand so have sent those. I tend to not send view cards from another country, though maybe Fiji or Cook Islands as these have links to New Zealand.

I just posted in the swap forum for the first time to find homes for Cards Not from my Country that I seem to have accumulated over time. Was surprised and happy to send off so many to new homes.

Iā€™ll remember that! :smiley:

I have a question. Some people want the Soviet period cards. I have some. But can I send Sovietish card also from another parts of USSR, not just of The Soviet Socialist Republic of Latvia?

Thereā€™s also a tag or two for that! In the tags section :slight_smile:


If someone posted ā€œplease send images from your countryā€ Iā€™ll try to honor that.

If Iā€™m sending a basic view card, Iā€™ll always try to make that from my home country.

But oftentimes I have great postcards that fit the wishlists of people even if the image/place isnā€™t from my country. For example, I have actually sent a Familia Sagrada postcard to someone who indicated in their profile that they like Gaudi, even though Iā€™m in the United States, and another to a different person who asked to receive cards of churches. Being able to write to these people about how I experienced Gaudiā€™s art & architecture as represented on the Postcard seems to be more the point of Postcrossing than only representing oneā€™s current residence.

As a resident of the United States, should I only send cards that represent the cities and outdoors of where I currently live in New Jersey (boring!)? Am I barred from sending a card of the Mesa Verde cliff dwellings in southwestern Colorado since the geography and people of that area are so different from New Jersey? Should I not send a cool card of a glacier I saw in Alaska a few years ago? Where do we draw the line?


Thereā€™s a person in the tags section asking for national cards from a native only. It might not be enough for the card to be local, you need to be local too! I always wonder if people like me can tag in this case at all. Iā€™m not native to where I live so I wonā€™t be able to send anything?

I have noticed disappointment a number of times before when people really love this country and realise Iā€™m not from here.

But doesnā€™t that mean that you must like the country probably even more than someone who was born there? You chose to live there, actually! Iā€™d rather like to see it that way. :slight_smile:


I was born and reared in Southwest Louisiana, Cajun culture, swamps, bayous and marshes all around. I took it all for granted. I retired and moved to the Ouachita Mountains in Arkansas, and was totally infatuated with the different flora, fauna, and geographical features. Active in Postcrossing, I amassed many postcards of my favorite places and features of Arkansas. By my 5th year there, I was still in love with Arkansas but began appreciating the bayous, mossy trees, alligators, etc. If I send an Arkansas postcard, I refer to my memories of having lived there. I donā€™t hesitate to send Southwest Louisiana cards because of my new appreciation of our area.

Unless specifically requested, I just keep postcards from places Iā€™ve visited in other states as souvenirs.

Thatā€™s a really interesting thought. Iā€™ve moved around quite a bit, even when I had been younger, so thereā€™s really no place in the world where I would call myself a native or any town that I would consider my ā€œhometownā€. So for such people who only want postcards from natives, they probably wouldnā€™t want any sort of postcard from me whatsoever.

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I am told up now! " Your post was flagged as off-topic: the community feels it is not a good fit for the topic, as currently defined by the title and the first post.

This post was hidden due to flags from the community, so please consider how you might revise your post to reflect their feedback. **You can edit your post after 10 minutes, and it will be automatically unhidden"
:grinning: :grin: :sweat_smile: :joy: :rofl:
Sorry, dear community, but Iā€™m not able to take this seriously. Ridiculous, ridiculous, ridiculous.

I donā€™t see nothing wrong, maybe someone misunderstood you are about to arrange a swap here.
I too have also mentioned something about if someone gets my address, to do something ā€¦ but I donā€™t remember now what it was :thinking:

And this is off topic, but I want to share;
I planned I wonā€™t write to this forum at all, in fear of my posts being flagged.
In another forum I was constantly ā€œlockedā€, even though I in my opinion was not talking off topic, or anything wrong. But, then, I realized, I often see a connection in some things where others not.
And so I thought to write here. If I get too much flags, I try writing less.
@SiLV maybe it was just not sure if your message belongs to this topic. Flag can be a ā€œwrong flagā€ too, right?

But back to topic, many of the postcards I can buy, are illustrations from not Finnish persons.
I still send them. My most liked cards are an illustration from a French artist, Japanese artist (if I remember correctly), and German artist, and then handmade. :slight_smile:

S_Tuulia, I know who it is. That member isnā€™t taking part in our conversation at all, just observes from the sidelines and looks for what to report. Disgusting.

I have quite a lot of postcards Iā€™ve bought from my travels, so that are blank and I could send on but I do feel a bit weird sending someone a card from a different country than the UK. I think if I had just been on holiday there, I would maybe send it, but usually I try to send UK-themed cards, or just generic postcards with no country specificity. Not sure I would feel too bothered about it the other way round - as long as there was some reason behind it i.e. they go there on holiday, or in the message theyā€™re recounting a trip there.

There are some good tags/RRs on the forum about sending cards from other countries than your own, so theyā€™re maybe a good place to send/receive these kinds of cards :slight_smile:

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Several years ago I drew a postcard that not only requested only postcards showing ones own country but also ones from a publisher based in oneā€™s own country. In other words, if you lived in Paris they would be upset with a PostalLove card of Paris (I assume there is one) because it wasnā€™t put out by a French company.

I can a little bit understand the ā€œPlease only from your own countryā€ (so long as they also accept things other than tourist cards) for the image, but really I thought that was going a bit far. :roll_eyes:


I totally agree with this. Iā€™ve gotten tourist and view cards of my location that say they were printed in Korea or China or another country and half of the time it feels weird sending these to people who specify in their profile that they want cards from my country. But publishers often outsource their printing to another country where itā€™s cheaper, so what to do? :woman_shrugging:

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I mostly send things that are relevant to my country. Sometimes I even worry about that. Canada is so big and Iā€™ve only really spent time in Ontario, QuĆ©bec, and Nova Scotia. Will people be disappointed if I send them one of the Canada Post cards featuring a lighthouse in PEI? Should I just stick to scenes from Ontario?

For the most part, I donā€™t worry about it too much. I do my best to meet any preferences their profile expresses and I try to pick a card that I think they will enjoy and/or about which I can share an interesting story.

I keep other cards on hand too; things with no connection to Ontario or Canada whatsoever. I donā€™t send them out much because so far the people Iā€™ve sent to usually request something geographically/culturally relevant, but Iā€™ll use them when the opportunity arises!

I would feel weird about sending cards featuring landscapes or wildlife from other countries. There are tonnes of beatuiful cards featuring US national parks for example. I think theyā€™re lovely and, were I in the States, I wouldnā€™t hesitate to send them every chance I got. But Iā€™m not comfortable doing so from Canada. (Not that I have a problem if someone else wants to do this. Iā€™m just sharing my personal policy for the cards I send. Not trying to dictate anyone elseā€™s behaviour. Do what makes your heart happy!)

ETA: I think I would probably make an exception to my policy of only sending ā€œCanadianā€ or ā€œneutralā€ (not particularly relevant to any specific country) cards for places that Iā€™ve visited in the past. Probably only if the recipient also expressed an interest in the subject featured on the card.

At the end of the day, I really enjoy trying to match the card to the recipient so, whatever card seems like itā€™s going to be the best for that person is the one Iā€™m going to send. If that means sending a card not relevant to my area, so be it (as long as I have such a card available). But such a situation hasnā€™t arisen for me yet.


Iā€™d only send cards from another country rarely - usually a planned swap. But I send cards from all over Australia.

When I do so, I try and use the message to make a personal connection with the place. Itā€™s easy if itā€™s a card from a holiday. Or maybe itā€™s a place I would love to visit, or has a history I find interesting. Sometimes, itā€™s about how far away it is from me - Australia (like Canada) is so very big that the distances are often surprising to people in small countries.

(This is all in relation to view cards, not other subjects).


I thought about this, and for the time-being Iā€™ve only sent postcards that I found here. A lot of them were mostly art prints, so I can only hope they are found here.

I thought about sending vintage cards from the west, but I am based in Asia and I personally enjoy cards from the source country because thatā€™s how I feel postcards are meant to be: Greetings from your location. So when I postcard shop for the purpose of sending I normally get something from my area: art, scenery, etc.

But personally if someone sent me a card that wasnā€™t from their locale Iā€™d be fine with it. I would find it funny, but I donā€™t assume everyone else to feel that way.

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Most of the time I send an official from where I live (Ohio) but if someone said they loved cactus and I had one from travels in Arizona I would be happy to send. If they loved VW and I had a card from Germany I would be fine sending that too. Just depends on their wish list and how long they have been a memberā€¦long time folks probably dont need another boring Ohio card.

I send random cards, honestly pretty much just whatever I pull out of the box. So lots are from places or have themes nothing to do with me or where I live. People seem to be okay with it.

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