Postcard Project for School

Thank you! We would love that!

Thank you so much! The students love geography and puzzles. They will be very excited.

Hi. I can send postcards from the UK, and they can be about the UK, or about South Africa which is where Iā€™m originally from.
Is there a cut of date though?

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Hello, no cut off date. We will be collecting postcards all school year and would appreciate any you send. Thank you!

Sending you one from Portugal, have a wonderful day :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!

Mailed one to you today from Australia

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And another one is on the way from Germany.

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I will send a postcard to your class tomorrowšŸ“®
I would like to talk about ā€œO-tsukimiā€ in JapanšŸŒ•ļø


One coming from The State of West Virginia

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I will be sending one from Aguadilla, Puerto Rico :puerto_rico::mailbox_with_mail:!


Hi Mrs. Hughes,

Iā€™d like to send you a postcard from India :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! The kids will love that!

Thank you! We do not have any cards from India!

Thank you! That will be so cool.

Thank you! I think it may have arrived today1

Thank you so much!

Thank you!

Iā€™ll send you a postcard from The Netherlands!

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Do you need a postcard from Detroit?

Take good care!