Postcard Museum?

On Sunday I went to Musée de la Poste in Paris and they currently have a temporary exhibit on postcards from holidays. The cards were of all different ages and grouped into sections.

They had some amazing cards, like these ones with bonus photos in:

The museum wasn’t busy at all. While I don’t expect everyone to learn and present everything in English, the entire museum was in French with minimal sections accompanied by the English audio guide. I think to attract more people, a wider range of languages on the displays would have been nice, hence, I would not recommend this museum unless you are near fluent in French.

They had some lovely cards on their gift shop, including FR-1650034 off to Taiwan!


Cleveland State University in Cleveland, Ohio, USA has a huge collection of postcards of Cleveland, Ohio and the surrounding area. I believe they’re still cataloging them.

In May I was in Bergedorf, a part of Hamburg, Germany. The Schloss (Castle) recently hosted an exhibit of postcards of Hamburg and Bergedorf. I missed the exhibit but was able to look at the exhibit catalog. (It was the museum staff member’s personal copy, so I couldn’t buy it.)