Postcard Anonymous

Hi Mike,

Thank you for opening this meeting. I am mostly a stamp addict whose stock of mint stamps is a four-digit-number: brand new stamps, older stamps, euro-valued stamps… And it keeps growing even though sometimes I keep thinking how ***** I am ever going to use them all up. The number of my stamps exceeds my card stock about by half. I could go on years without buying a single new stamp with my current stock. Recently I have started to understand junkies how they must feel: happy about new stamps, but slightly guilty about sloshing an X amount of money on stamps again… :thinking:


I’m Shan,
Back in 2003, before Postcrossing, I went to the Gee’s Bend exhibit and purchased about 16 of the postcards and put them in frames. They are on my wall to this day. I just didn’t know the scope of where I would end up and bemoaning why didn’t I get more? (Asking for a friend).
Not that i don’t have drawers and drawers of postcards to pick from and boxes of stamps but looking back, that was surely the beginning of the end.
{Hands over the mic and sits back down}


The important thing is knowing when to step outside to get some sunshine and fresh air. We’re here for you…for all of you.


Hello everebody,

My name is schrizzo and I’m a pc addict.
First of all, i never believed in any supportgroups. I was ashamed and hesitant when i entered but hearing your stories and being able to relate to some of them i decided to open up.

For me it all started really innocent. Nobody is born as an addict and my first card just looked sooo cute.
I even don’t remember who gave it to me or where i got it from but i sure do remember the feeling of that first time!!
The little preparations, collecting your stufff and then BAM that Rush of sending a postcard!!!

I think that’s what we are all still searching for, the rush of that first time…

Now in the beginning i could go on with my normal life since you have to wait on response and you have things to do and so on.
Getting cards also dimmed that first craving you feel after rolling into this new thing unaware but even these didn’t suffice after a while and that’s when it got problematic…

Nights and nights of postcard frenzies, pondering around the house like a madman when out of stamps and even doing things I’m ashamed of…
Just to be able to send a card…
Just for that one last stamp
It’s my last card i promised myself over and over again untill it almost cost me my marriage and i decided to seek help…

I’m now on a healthy postcard diet for almost 2 months and i start to feel better.
I’m very affraid for a relapse since things are getting back on track right now and that’s why I’m glad i found you guys…
My name is schrizzo and I’m an postcardaddict



Oh @anon4239658
PLEEEEEEAAAAASSSSE … make a card for every month! I’d buy the set x 10 and send them to all my family and friends who … just. do. not. get. it.
Maybe, I’d then get some support, treatment, resources for my addiction.
Um… just so ya know, not really motivated for ‘recovery’. :rofl:


My last order was a bit … over-enthusiastic. My solution was to make an unexpected present of several cards (parcel in transit), but that solution won’t work often.


You’re not alone and we understand your struggles. You have to take it one step at a time. If not, then you will find yourself in a P.A. meeting before you know it.

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I’ve been a lurker on this conversation and I’m ready to introduce myself. I have exceeded my postcard storage and still get a thrill with every postcard discovery and purchase. I pre-order every stamp design that excites me. And I’m a forum-lottery-hosting junky…I have so much fun photographing the prize and writing to the winners. I’ve avoided Tags so far, but I have many bookmarked and it’s only a matter of time! It’s a relief to find myself in good company here.




How do you order stamps online? Do they cost less?

Thank you.


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They do not cost less- however I get to order the new stamps. My post office is often “out of them”. It does cost $1.55 shipping.



Thank you.

Hi…you guys absolutely know what I zoomed in on when the following picture appeared in my Insta feed…

I actually cackled out loud, with glee! 🫢


Hi, My Name is Catherine and I am a postcard addict.

I am also addicted to general stationary, stamps, washi, pens.
I have joined various groups so that I may have the ability to send out more cards, (Reddit Random Act of Cards, Postcrossing (currently can send 15) Swapbot which gets me a lot of junk in return so its not the best. And making friends along the way.

Sending the cards is the thrill for me, I love decorating and picking out the best stamps.
But I keep buying faster than I use. I have a few thousand dollars worth of stamps, about 1000 postcards and I cant stop.

I would love a group of friends to show these off to and send to. But I dont have any. My family doesnt appreciate it either.

I am happy to find others in the same boat. and if it would help, lets discuss, send, and share with each other ?



I order bulk groups on ebay, and sheets that are often at face value or less. There are some good sellers. I try to get new stamps from USPS online since my post office mostly has boring flag stamps.

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Hi, my name is Selena and I am a postcard addict. My addiction began as a child, around the same time I began writing regularly to friends, family, and penpals. My postcard collection is vast. Even if I could stop buying cards today, it would take years to use all the cards I have already. The cost of the postage alone would be enormous. I work two jobs just to support this habit.
I told myself when I rejoined Postcrossing years ago that it was just to use up the cards I had at the time. For a few months, I did use only the cards I already owned. But then I started buying a few tourist cards, you know the ones 4 for $1, just for the members who wanted to see my region or country. But since then, I have bought so many more, and been given free cards as well, now that I know where to find them. I’ve even gotten my partner looking for cards for me too. I bought a special vintage filing cabinet to store my postcard collection, and my partner bought me a separate antique wooden box to store the tourist cards.
Occasionally I’ll buy stickers, washi tape, and pens, but my first thought is always postcards. I can barely look at myself in the mirror some days. I have cards so unique and extraordinary that I’ll never send them to anyone.
There is no relief or escape from this addiction.
I have known nothing else in my lifetime.


And therein lies the addiction; it grabs you without warning: "But then I started buying … "

Perhaps we need to set up a sub-group: “Postcard buyers anonymous”? :thinking:


I had a dream last night that I travelled to New Zealand. The only part of the dream that I can remember is being at the airport and realising that I had completely forgotten to send any postcards in travel mode while there (or even purchase any as souvenirs)…I was so upset :scream::scream::scream::rofl:!


But I can tell you from experience that such groups don’t stop us from buying. We have something similar in the German forum area. When someone confesses to buying postcards, they don’t get comments like “Oh, hang in there! Stay strong and don’t get seduced!”, but rather things like “Yes? And where?”. :rofl: :money_with_wings: