Postage labels v.s. stamps: what is your opinion?

I mean in Denmark you can purchase a twelve-character code you write on your postcard/letter/parcel, and then you can drop it in the mail. It’s not even a label :joy:. I only use them for very boring mail to people I know, and never ever for postcrossing!


I have not seen vending machines with stamps for quite a few years. I was going to buy some stamps today and was surprised that they cannot be bought due to corona regulations. You can send a parcel but cannot buy stamps … I was offered to pay online i.e. I could get a number, write it on a postcard and voila. A nice girl couldn’t understand that I simply wanted physical stamps. I finally bought all I needed online and have to wait till Wednesday to send the cards :slight_smile: Btw, our stamps abroad are going to be 33 DKK (€ 4.40) from the first of January.

We have this too, it’s really the worst option to send private mail :frowning:


I totally agree. Right now in Germany it can only be used domestically and I haven’t yet received one, but I have received them from other countries. The first time I reported it to Postcrossing because I felt sure it was some sort of scam!

I have read that some collectors “value” that the code is written by hand, but I think that would be true only if Angela Merkel or somebody personally wrote the code there. I mean, really…they wrote the rest of the postcard, too!

I’m not a stamp collector, and I don’t stress when I get a label or one of those “personal” stamps where you upload a photo of your lovely baby grandchild or your dog or cat or whatever, but I would much rather receive a standard stamp or even a stamp from the vending machine. To me it just looks nicer, somehow.

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I’ve gotten mail with the twelve-character code before. I agree that this is even more disappointing than a label. But I suppose if you’re quarantined and have no way to get to a label machine, let alone some place that sells actual stamps, getting a code online is the best that you can do.


In The Netherlands it’s a 9-character code forming a nice square. I was SO fascinated when I learned about them (years ago) and when I signed up here I actually considered using it for Postcrossing, but quickly learned others don’t love them as much as I do :joy::sweat_smile: Luckily I have a stock of stamps now, basic ones but better than the codes it seems!


Like paprikachips said, we have a code now here in NL. I much prefer the stamps myself. They are like little pieces of art.
I love searching for special ones on the internet.

I guess my love for stamps comes from the time I received postcards with real stamps. They complete the picture on the back of the postcard.


Say it isn’t so, the prices are utterly ridiculous as it is :expressionless:. It’s certainly a motivation for me to send my current postcards before New Years :grin:.

Supermarkets and kiosks are still open, so hopefully they still have some stamps in stock :blush:.

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For those of you who dislike labels, do you feel the same way about prepaid postcards (that are not maxicards)? Australia Post produces some lovely prepaid cards which in most cases cost less to send than a postcard + stamp, but so far I’ve refrained from sending them to any members whose profile mentions that they appreciate stamps because this is all you get:

I feel a bit conflicted on this topic, to be honest. I love stamps and really appreciate it when I receive a card with a beautiful selection of stamps. But Australia Post has rules about using domestic stamps on international mail so I can’t reciprocate the favour without overpaying on postage (to cover domestic GST), and our postage rate is already rather expensive…


I have not seen such a thing! And even though I think stamps are amazing I would actually appreciate receiving a card with this kind of postage at least once, just for the novelty of it. Does it get postmarked like a stamp?

Not quite, even if it’s similar… since this site is mainly about postcards you shouldn’t worry too much.

If the card matches the profile interests I would send it nonetheless. I mention that I love beautiful stamps, but I’ve already received some of those pre paid cards with beautiful pictures (and liked them!). For me it’s more like: if you have the choice label or stamp - please choose stamp. There is no choice in a pre-paid postcard, so don’t worry about.


I think it’s still okay because you can still see the card is from Australia after a long period of time, plus it could be something unique about the country.

Thanks for all of your replies. After reading the replies, I realize that my main concern is whether the labels are well designed. If the labels can show the uniqueness of the country (just like the Guangdong ones shown by @tulumu or the Germany ones by @Cassiopheia ), and they do not fade after months, I won’t mind giving out or receiving cards (though I don’t have the ground to say “receiving” - most of the time I can only send postcards with labels :face_with_head_bandage: Sorry about that).

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Not sure, from what I remember they don’t, but I haven’t received enough to know so maybe someone will correct me. When you buy a code, you have to send your mail/package within 5 days, so I assume when the code gets scanned at the sorting center they deactivate immediately. (from the perspective that postmarking is to show the stamp has been used)


I know how much it costs to send a postcard from Australia, and I am grateful for each and every Austrailian postcard I get! The same goes for Canada… I think these prepaid postcards make it possible for some people to send a few more postcards a month than they would otherwise be able to, and I am more than happy to receive them.


Today my sister received this envelope in the mail:

So no postmark.

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I am happy to receive a postcard. If it comes with nice stamps it is a plus. Reading a nice message makes me happy, if I get to see interesting stamps then it is a bonus! It would not bother me to see a label.

I like picking out stamps to use on the postcards I send. I like when I have a stamp that fits their interests :mailbox::love_letter:


really? I never knew that. how do you even identify the difference in a domestic stamp to international?

I appreciate nice stamps (I’m not sure I actually dislike labels) and say so on my profile but it’s just an extra touch, like an icing on a cake? I like the cake (i.e. the postcard) just as much without the icing :smiley:

Go ahead and send the cards whenever you feel like it :slight_smile:


We have some prepaid postcards, specially for new year and holidays! Since I need to complete the cost, I also use stamps of smaller value with them so people can still have them if they like it.


International stamps all have a little blue mark somewhere on them identifying them as International Post:

AusPost usually releases a couple new designs a year but they release many many more domestic designs.