✅ Postcrossing Icon on Member's Forum Summary takes me to my PC profile and not theirs

I’m not sure if I’m describing the bug correctly but it’s been happening for the past week or so.
When I open a member’s Forum Summary page (not the small quick view window, but actually "community.postcrossing.com/u/USERNAME/summary"), then click on the little red “P” Postcrossing Icon under their username, it directs me to my Postcrossing.com profile page or the profile of a previous user I visited, instead of theirs which it would usually do.
Is this happening to anyone else?

It has been happening to me sometimes, but not for a while now.

I haven’t been able to see any pattern, from one forum profile I would be redirected to my own and from another, a moment later, to the person I was trying to see.

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Yes, this has been happening to me as well.

From a quick test, I couldn’t reproduce this as it always opened the correct profile for me.

Is it only in the profile summary tab, or does it happen with others too?

Is anyone able to find a list of exact steps to reproduce it on demand?

Okay, this is what happened when I tried to duplicate the problem today:

  1. I clicked on the Search icon from a random Forum page, typed in Username 1, clicked on Username1 from the suggestions that appeared, and got Username1’s Forum profile page.

  2. I clicked on Username1’s :postcrossing: and their official Postcrossing profile page appeared in a new tab. I closed that tab.

  3. From Username1’s Forum profile page, I clicked on the Search icon and typed in Username2, clicked on Username2 from the suggestions that appeared, and got Username2’s Forum profile page.

  4. I clicked on Username 2’s :postcrossing:, but Username1’s official Postcrossing profile page appeared in a new tab.

I’m on a Mac OS Sonoma 14.3.1, Safari browser 17.3.1.

[EDIT: The problem doesn’t seem to occur if I start my search for Username2 from any page other than Username1’s Forum profile page.]


Now that we have updated Discourse, I believe this bug is now fixed. I have followed the steps and can no longer reproduce it.

If you still experience it, please let me know.