Online shops (wiki)

They’ve moved to Instagram. Have updated the wiki to duly reflect this

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Noticed another more popular Instagram with the same name (first result on google)

any leads on that one?

I think this is their old page, seeing how their last post was in 2017

The other page has a most recent post of 2022

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Can someone add this postcard shop to the list under the Czech Republic please? Pohlednice

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Added! Thanks for highlighting

Thank you :slight_smile:

Unfortunately the Hungarian shop doesn’t work,don’t know if that is temporary or permanent.

Hi! I’m Penpaling Paula. I’m based in Spain now, not in Ireland anymore. And I only had Printables for a while because I was moving countries and having a baby :smiling_face: Now I’m back to business and have physical postcards as well as other stationery like stickers, washi tapes, etc. thank you!


So glad to hear you’re back in business @penpaling_paula ! I love your stickers!
Congrats on the arrival of your baby. Many Best Wishes for a healthy and happy child.
I’m gonna check your website out right now …


hello everyone. In the link below you will find an interesting proposition from a Polish postcard store. affordable prices, everyone will find something for themselves.:v:postcard shop Poland

Hello. Monthly Letter House has been added to the Japanese category.

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Welcome to the forum @radical0330

When you edited the wiki, you changed it completely to Japanese.
I have reset it and would like to ask you to add the shop again, but without changing the language :wink:

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I’m sorry. I corrected the link.
Will this be okay?

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I added this link to the US online wiki: its an airplane parts company that has a nice selection of airplane theme postcards


I added a new link to the India section.
Heritage Prints

Planning to shine a light on each state of India and hope it becomes a series for people worldwide to collect.

Thank you!