OC&E RR - CLOSED for September!

#18 hazygirl

#8 @jenz88 Sent Harry Potter. I’m almost out for summer. Our last day is next week. I can’t wait! Electric bills can be scary. That’s for sure.
#17 @hjbcats sent an adorable card. Great stamps too!
#19 @jordynb Louisville, Kentucky. I’m actually heading to Kentucky this summer to go to Mammoth Cave. I was looking at Louisville, but I don’t know if we’ll have time to go there.


#24 I’ve have sent all cards today!

#19 @jordynb I bet the tour for this house was amazing! I love Victorian architecture.

#25 @sarahgrab1 This is one of
The coolest cards I have seen! I really wish it had signature or website on it so I could get some more. My daughter has heard of every single one of these. She wants to be a cryptozoologist. It’s really a thing!

#7 @PrincessFlamingo We don’t really get a lot of fairs in my area. I wish we did though, I would go to all of them! Have fun at the fair! Also cool card!


@kat4544 Someone sent me 5 different states of them in a cryptid/mythical swapbot swap I was in last month. When I received them I asked the girl where she got them from and she never replied to my message. I don’t know if she made them or what. Sorry I can’t be more helpful!


@sarahgrab1 I found the print on Etsy but only in large prints. None of them in postcards. So that sucks. Oh well! It’s a great card!

#21 updating my incoming June cards

#5 @Imhowl I love a good vintage card. WELCOME to the group!

#17 @hjbcats Who doesn’t love a cute cat card? Happy summer travels

#23 @LLAcademy Your lil owl drawing is adorable. I haven’t tried Geo Cashing but I want to and should! I love that you’ll discover your visitor center. The bird is a snowy plover, super cute!

#25 @sarahgrab1 TY for the sunflowers, they brighten up my mailbox. Also, cute OC&E sticker you made. I planted some flowers last week. Marigolds and Lupin.

#7 @PrincessFlamingo Joy you really scored with that big box of cards! Enjoy the fair. We have a state fair and TONs of Rodeos now.

#8 @jenz88 That cat on the card looks very unhappy, maybe the summer heat! lol I LOVE Bridgerton! Hope you like it. Have you read: The Tattoist of Auschwitz? I didn’t know there was a show. I’m going to watch it!

#19 @jordynb I never heard of the Great Salt Peter Mine. I looked it up and sounds super fascinating and fun to see.

#18 @Hazygirl Loving the cat-decorated card, cute washi too! My cat has been a pain with the windows open and climbing the screens. ugh!

#3 @MsKoby Thank you for the bonus vintage card of Colorado. I have a collection of vintage Colorado ones and want to frame them. I love making DIY pizzas, we bought an outdoor pizza oven for Christmas!


#15 I sent out all of my postcards this morning! :hugs:

I will post an update with cards received so far over the weekend :blush:

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#17 reporting for June

Received #8 from @jenz88 thanks for the cool card!

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#18 hazygirl
Great batch of cards for June!

#4 @speechlady99 sent “come join me” from one of my fave books. Thanks!

#11 @Fangirllt sent a reminder that I’m a rockstar. It would be nice to get the salary to go with ha ha.

#16 @mediumfunnysam sent Noah Kahan who I will be checking out post haste.


#5 reporting some more received

#3 @MsKoby - I LOVE the adorable owl card! Thank you so much! Nice to meet you!
#17 @hjbcats - I love this owl card too! and all the fun stickers! My parents go to the Casino in Evansville a lot, looks like thats not terribly far from you!
#9 @southernwonder - Thank you for the super cute dog card! We live very close to the beach, about 30 minutes with traffic. As crazy as it sounds, I hate the beach! The sand irritates me, I’d much rather be in the mountains!
#4 @speechlady99 - Thanks for the happiness card! I am loving postcrossing! So fun!
#18 @Hazygirl - I love map cards! Thanks for the NY card!
#23 @LLAcademy - This is only my second Loupaper I’ve received so I was estactic to open your card! You have beauitful handwriting by the way! Thanks for the tea! Can’t wait to try it! Meeting astronauts sounds so cool! We recently were close to Wallops Island and we could see some of the satelittes and stuff they have but sadly we went on a Sunday and the vistor center was closed.


June OC&E RR #2 @dearsabrina
All PCs mailed today

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As of today (6/13/24…Taylor’s 100th Era Show) All June cards have been mailed by this Swiftie!


All June cards sent by me #22 :heart:

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All June cards have been mailed :two_hearts:

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June OC&E RR #2 @dearsabrina

Received- 1,5, 4, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25

In Transit- 3,6,7,10,12,13,14,15,18,20,21, & 24

1.) @ReadWithMelissa I am loving that you decorated the PC vertical! So many fun lettering elements. Adding the quote to my junk journal :purple_heart:

5.) @Imhowl Thank you for the floral PC and welcome to the RR. Lupin flowers are a current favorite. The NMCRS has been a welcome distraction w/deployments.

8.) @jenz88 Jen such a groovy butterfly card. The stickers on my name are such a pretty decorative element & vertical! I would also describe myself as a problem solver. My husband says that most people are just “Ask Holes.” They want to talk, but they don’t want to fix anything :joy:

16.) @mediumfunnysam The color combo on those card is 10/10. I think I have these favorited on Etsy. Thank you for the carrot cake recipe. I will definitely be making this soon!

19.) @jordynb thank you for the Kentucky PC. I’ve always wanted to see the ladies fancy hats at the Kentucky Derby.

22.) @bookendss Thank you for the vintage CA Poppy PC. I really enjoy the paper these are printed on . A few years ago, we went to go see the Poppy Super Blooms in Lake Elsinore, it was stunning!


#9 Reporting I put #12-20 in the mail today. Thank you!

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#11 reporting #22-25 was sent out today!

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#24 reporting happy mail!

#6 @sarabb love a good Sasquatch card! Hopefully your dirt trip to Indiana is everything you expect!

#16 @mediumfunnysam I totally agree on hoping they do more updates for Animal Crossing I just can’t believe with how popular it still is that they wouldn’t want to cash in on that.

#20 @SusanWilson I loved Robin Hood too! My favorite old Disney movie would have to be Mary Poppins. And my new favorite Disney movie is Onward!

#1 @ReadWithMelissa Hi Mel. I always loved the troll rocks from frozen. I haven’t moved yet. Move date is July 1st is move in date. It is coming quick and we have soooo much to do! Ugh

#8 @jenz88 Colorado weather is still pretty nice. We are finally getting some warm days but nothing like Texas. I’m talking 75° on a hot day! It’s nice. That will change soon and get hotter.


#23 Reporting for March I was cleaning out our van and found this fun card between the front seat & console. Sorry @volvomom!!! Hope the end of the school year wasn’t too crazy and that your summer has been off to a great start! Thanks again! All cards received!

As for June I’ve sent 1-8, 14-21 and 25.


#3 reporting June arrivals
#1 @ReadWithMelissa Do you have a picture of the blue ox costume? Pictures or it didn’t happen.

#6 @sarabb Sara, love love love this postcard. This is my kind of art. My 17 year old is in Portland this week. They’re having a great time!

#9 @southernwonder Jessica, I have a great recipe for home made bread that is super easy! Even for a spoonie! Lmk if you want it.

#16 @mediumfunnysam Sam, what area of Detroit did you live in? We lived in Roseville at 13 & Gratiot. I miss the food and cultural events.

#18 @Hazygirl JoAnn, what a cool story about your aloe plant! I have a Christmas Cactus that was my mother’s. :green_heart: If we ever meet, let’s trade cuttings.

#20 @SusanWilson Thank you for sharing this card with me! Are the Sunken Gardens still around?

#21 @carried_away Carrie, congratulations on becoming an Auntie! I think the sculpture is pretty happy. Maybe she got some of that berry goat cheese ice cream!!

Received: 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 25
Awaiting: 2, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24


@MsKoby Ellisa you lived in Roseville? I did too and so close too you! I lived off 11 mile near gratiot! What a small world!