OC&E RR - CLOSED for September!

24 reporting for June.
I am Loving these pride cards!!
#17 @hjbcats love the stickers and the stamps! Happy June to you!

Editing to add that I believe this is for January after looking more closely!

#11 @k8thegr8 Happy Pride month! Love the sticker, thank you for sharing it!


#5 Reporting for June.

#7 @PrincessFlamingo - Thanks for the cool card! Hope you had fun at the fair!
#8 @jenz88 - I love the owl card and all the stickers!! Its a scorcher here today too, Summer is gonna be miserably hot!
#25 @sarahgrab1 - my first Loupaper card and its a Tennessee (my home state!). I LOVE it!!! Thank you SO MUCH! We do have some fun plans this summer! We are gonna go to a lake house and go boating!I I can’t wait!!
#11 @Fangirllt - Space cards are always cool!! I love it! thanks
#19 @jordynb - You’re KY card made me giggle! I love it! I grew up on the KY/TN border just on the other side of the state! Lake Cumberland is a cool place! Thanks for the neat card!


#17 reporting for June

Received #19 @jordynb national battlefield card!! I’d love to send you all cards, I’m getting ready to go out west to those national parks and pacific coast!

We’ll be gone for around 3 weeks. Then, I get to go to the Atlantic Ocean!

I’m thinking do a few cards each day of my trip and hopefully I can get you all one. If not, look forward to next months RR :blush::joy:


Hello friends! #6 here reporting a bunch of received cards.

I just got one for JANUARY! @k8thegr8- Kate (#11), your card dated January 12th finally made it to Pittsburgh. Love the image of Totem Bright State Park. How have you progressed on your goal to read 35 book this year?

Three more cards for May, making all May cards received.
#8- thank you @jenz88, Jen for the Gal Pals postcard. Love the image and purple washi and stickers. Hugs and scritches to Little and Harley!
#22- thank you @alisonp2022, Alison for the cool ad card for the Kentucky Book Festival. What a great image of the books and ladders and readers. I don’t mind ad cards at all, nor homemade cards, food packaging, etc.
#23- thank you @LLAcademy, El & Family for the lovely Cassatot River State Park card. So pretty! Loved reading about your adventure/road trip to see the park and the eclipse. Those last minute trips are sometimes the best. Thank you also for the cute doxie sticker.

Also reporting June cards received from 5, 8, 11, 19, 25.
#5- thank you @Imhowl, Leslie for the gorgeous young woman in the carriage. Looks like a wedding photo? I tried Google Lens and she did not come up. I wish we could see it in color; I bet the flowers, crown and dress were stunning. Welcome to OC&E! I hope you have fun and love it as much as I do. :heart:
#8- thank you @jenz88, Jen for the beautiful O’Keefe portrait postcard. I love a nontraditional portrait and Georgia out in a field is just perfect.
#11- thank you @Fangirllt, Lycette for the cool Mars sand dunes postcard. I also love reading about space and stars, but mosting fictional accounts. :slight_smile: Welcome to the round robin!
#19- thank you @jordynb, Jordan for the Rockcastle Karst postcard. SO cool that you got to go on one of the 2 days a year it is open. That must have taken some planning. My luck, I would decide to go and find out it was open last week. haha
#25- thank you @sarahgrab1, Sarah for the sweet books/reading/nature postcard. It is perfect for me. We took a long hike yesterday and being out amongst the trees and along the river was so much fun.


Happy June, friends! #20 reporting for June.

Sent: ALL cards going out tomorrow 6/10
Received: 3, 5, 7, 19, 25

#3 @MsKoby: Ellisa, thank you for the warm welcome! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so happy to be back! Thank you for this gorgeous Arcadia National Park card! The art and colors are gorgeous! I’d love to visit that Park one day. Summer has been busy here, too! Hurricane prep in swing, but we are getting one last little staycation in before the weather season is in full swing. Visiting some local museums!

#5 @Imhowl: Leslie, thank you for this lovely vintage linen card featuring a stunning nighttime city scene. Welcome to the RR! You’ve picked a perfect card for me. Summer is definitely here down in FL, the hot weather came right out of the gate. We’re driving to Orlando next week for a little staycation before the weather season is in full swing. Boating sounds fun, have a blast! Hope you’re enjoying the summer so far. :slight_smile:

#7 @PrincessFlamingo: Joy, I LOVE this Route 66 Arizona card! I love the history of Route 66 and all the nostalgia! The fair was always so fun, we used to go to the Florida State Fair in Tampa growing up, but haven’t been for a few years. Funnel cake was the BEST!

#19 @jordynb: Jordyn, what a great Mill Springs Battlefield Monument card! I love American History! And the stamps/postmarks are so great too. Thanks for choosing this one for me! We just visited the fort in St. Augustine last month and really enjoyed it too. Hope you are having a great summer so far!

#25 @sarahgrab1: Sarah, I love this fox illustration! SOOO cute! Enjoy your trip down to FL if you visit your in-laws! That’s a gorgeous area of the state. We are taking one last little staycation to Orlando next week before the weather seasons in full swing, but looks like we’ll be getting some storms. My goal is also to visit more local museums this summer!


#3 reporting arrivals for June
Y’all are on a vintage kick!! I love it!
#5 @Imhowl Leslie, Welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: and thank you for this beautiful vintage card from Virginia. I understand the changes of small town vs large cities. Both have their pros and cons.

#7 @PrincessFlamingo Joy, what a cool story to go with the post office postcard!! I would love to see the turtle! :turtle: Thanks for sharing this with me. :purple_heart: I hope you had a great birthday.

#8 @jenz88 Thank you for this postcard, my beautiful friend. I love it and appreciate it. And you!

#11 @Fangirllt Lycett, I haven’t played the Game of Life in a long time! In fact, I didn’t think we have ever played it with our kids (21 & 17), so it’s been a REALLY long time. :rofl:

#19 @jordynb My sweet friend! Thank you for this postcard. You know me so well. I am so glad you had fun in your trip. I look forward to our next adventure together; wherever that is!

Sent: all
Received: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 17, 19, 25


#11 reporting for June
Received from #3, 7, 8, 17,18

Thank you for all the wonderful postcards! Sorry it’s been hectic with a new job and summer courses!


Good morning! #8 JenZ88 reporting for June:
Received: 4, 7,11,17,19,23

4 @speechlady99 -Thank you so much for the cool octopus card!! Great facts that I was NOT aware of!! Now I love them even more!!

7 @PrincessFlamingo -Thank you for the vintage card, hope you have fun at the fair! I am a foodie so I would only go for the food! lol no rides! As I get older I realize I cannot tolerate them like I used to!

17 @hjbcats - Thank you for the card, Happy Pride!

19 @jordynb - Very cool card and the tour sounds pretty interesting!!

23 @LLAcademy - Love the postcard! Glad you were able to visit the Sea Center! And you cant beat FREE admission!! Thank you for the Octopus sticker too and the prayers :heart:


Hi All!! We are finally back home and I have cards to report!

For May I’ve received my final 2 cards making all cards received for May 2024

#14 @darlindanz - Joanie- What a special card, especially since you lived here! Eleanor Roosevelt was a special lady! And, I already told you I’m obsessed with the washi!

#16 @TheMailmansWife - Tayler - Love this textured card and the sweet farm scene! The kitties and piggies napping together! I am still as obsessed with TTPD as I was on day 1…maybe even more! My 4 year old is obsessed as well!!

For June I sent out cards 21-25 on 6-6-24, but I forgot to post on here!

My received cards for June so far:

#4 @speechlady99 - Becky, Love this card and the reminder to be stay strong in the Lord! Standing in prayer with you, my friend!

#5 @Imhowl - Leslie, WELCOME!! We are so glad to have you with us! Reading is absolutely my escape and I love the striking purple of this card! Perfect! Thank you!

#7 @PrincessFlamingo - Joy, what a beautiful sunset! I prefer summer to winter as well and there is just something about a sunset on a summer day that makes my heart smile!

#8 @jenz88 - Jen, how cool is this?! Another reason postcrossing is so fascinating! All the places you can learn about! This is creepy, but super neat! I super appreciate it!

#9 @southernwonder - Jessica, Thank you for the rainbow! I love them all! I can 100% (literally) feel your pain with the migraines. They are absolute hell! I look forward to seeing you on swapbot!

#11 @Fangirllt - Lycett, LOVE LOVE LOVE having you back with us! Love this colorful view of Venus! Have you finished The Bookshop of the Broken Hearted? I love books about books and bookstores! How did the end of the school year go for ya?

#17 @hjbcats - Hannah, this lady holding her letter staring off into the world…I GET HER! Coincidence you wrote this card on a rainy day and I received it on one!

#18 @Hazygirl - JoAnn, I’m with you on mushrooms. Although, there is an app at Longhorn that is delicious! I think the cheese covers most of the mushroom flavor for me! Wishing you a wonderful summer, Friend!

#19 @jordynb - Jordyn, Thank you for sharing this card and the info on The Conrad-Caldwell House! I would love to visit it one day! Have you finished the book? Let me know if I should add it to my TBR!


June OC&E RR #2 @dearsabrina
I’m running a little behind we had a pipe leak in my craft room :cry: All cards will go out on time though .
Received- 4, 9, 11, 17, 18, 23, 25

In Transit- 1,3,5,6,7,8,10,12,13,14,15,16,18,19,20,21,22, & 24

4.) @speechlady99 I love sending LEGO postcards, but this is the only the second one I have received, thank you :purple_heart: Beach life/ weather is lovely but I should definitely go more than I do!

9.) @southernwonder Jessica I am in my vintage PC era! I have never been to Nut Tree Plaza but I’m officially interested.

11.) @Fangirllt The Empress is a personal favorite. I’m definitely channeling her energy for my 1st week of vacation.

17.) @hjbcats Thank you for beautiful PC. Butterflies, flowers, jewels, and a wax seal :butterfly: We have had a bit of rain too and our garden is thriving. I just harvest some radishes, tomatoes, & jalapenos .

18.) @Hazygirl this is a clever print. Thank you for sharing it :butterfly:

23.) @LLAcademy Thank you for the Snail Mail PC & the Grogu sticker :purple_heart: I hope your technology is doing better! I need ideas on how to track postcards sent so far I have not come up with an easy solution. Please share!

25.) @sarahgrab1 Love the Queen of Cups PC! I’ve never thought about using cards from a deck.


#17 reporting for June!

Received @LLAcademy #23 I’m going out west on Friday. I haven’t seen the alignment yet.

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#11 reporting for June!
#12-21 will be sent out tomorrow!

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#9 Reporting For June
Received - #4, 5, 7,8,17,19,25

@speechlady99 Thank you for this beauty of a National Park card. I love the buffalo. My friend just did a tour of some of the big western parks and brought me back lots of cards, but not this one!

@lmhowl <— I couldn’t pull up her username! I am loving the vintage cards going around lately, so thank you for this hospital card! :smiley:

@PrincessFlamingo Our fair is in September and I don’t usually go. It’s too hot! I want to do a meetup but I am having these fierce migraines off and on. I cannot keep a steady schedule ATM. :frowning:

@jenz88 Gorgeous chapel!!! I would love to go see it, too. I don’t have any plans for this summer, either.

@hjbcats The park looks intriguing. I absolutely loved the stamps on the postcard.

@jordynb I never visited Old Louisville when I lived in Lexington. I would have loved to see this beauty in person. I adore old homes. Mine is old but definitely not this grand!

@sarahgrab1 What a cute little fox! I don’t have any summer plans yet.


I found it hiding behind my desk when I was cleaning! A handful of postcards fell and got lost back there but I’m glad I was able to get it to you eventually!


Me, #21 is reporting all my June cards are on their way to their homes! :love_letter: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I’m glad my card made it your way! It spent a couple months hiding in the crack between my wall and my writing desk :sweat_smile: :rofl: I haven’t hit 35 books yet but I’m making good progress, I’m close to finishing number 23. Ahead of schedule woohoo!!

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#22 reporting that I sent 3-14 :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Hello friends, #6 here reporting that all outgoing June cards are in the mail! :mailbox:

Received for June:
#9 from @southernwonder, thank you Jessica for the great reading postcard. This is definitely me! Sorry to hear about the tornado warnings; that’s scary! We have had a lot of ups and downs with the weather, but nothing too bad. We also have a few long weekends planned. :books:
#18 from @Hazygirl, thank you JoAnn for the puppy postcard and doxie sticker. Neat hearing about the 50s themed Spring show. Do kids today even know about the 50s? :poodle:

And also for June, two Texas postcards!
#17 from @hjbcats, thank you Hannah for the Alamo Gardens card. I’ve been to the Alamo, butdo not recall seeing the gardens. Pretty washi and stickers too. :butterfly:
#23 from @LLAcademy, thank you El for the Sea Center Texas card. Glad it was fun and that you saw a blue crab. My neice just got a job at the aquarium making sure “kids don’t pull off the starfish legs in the touch tank.” :star:

Received for June: 5, 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 19, 23, 25


#22 reporting received

#18 @Hazygirl

Super cute! We’ve been making shaved ice cones regularly because of how hot it is, so my youngest enjoyed this card too :slight_smile:

#19 @jordynb

Love this Rosie the Riveter card! :heart_eyes: Thank you!

#25 @sarahgrab1

Very cool idea and beautiful card :heart: Thank you so much!


#17 reporting. Received #18 @Hazygirl

I loved the beet card :blush: