OC&E RR - CLOSED for September!

#3 reporting for April
Cards #1-19 (except #5) went out on today’s mail. I ran out of stamps :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::woman_facepalming:


All cards are written, most have been sent but a few are going out tomorrow as I missed the 5pm deadline at the post office :frowning:

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#11 reporting a long lost card from January!

#9 @Amalan sent a beautiful postcard of a winters forest scene, thank you!!!

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I don’t need any hug cards but thank you for that option :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I will also go through my pile to make sure I didn’t miss any reporting!

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Another update for March! #13 has received…

#8 @jenz88 - Such a cool, vintage Italian poster! I need to get going on my garage, too, after our winter.

#10 @TheVintageDarling - Full of green! What an adorable St. Patrick’s Day card!

#11 @risabell96 - Seeing this warm, ocean scene gives me hope when one inch of snow is predicted for Thursday!

#21 @bookendss - Love this postal cat card! And the vintage stamps - wowsa!

April hugs to all!



Hello, #8- Jenz88 reporting for March
Received #1, #12, #13, #15, #20, #22
Pending #9

#1 @ReadWithMelissa - Thank you for the March postcard, I was looking for some like this!! So cold there in WV, hoping mother nature blesses you with some warm weather soon!
#12 @AllAboutTheBooks - I totally agree with you regarding womens history month! We have accomplished so much!!
#13 @volvomom - So cold over there in MA!! It’s steady high 70’s and low 80’s, I will send some warm weather your way!
#15 @JoBo27 - LOVE LOVE the textured peacock card and the shaped outline just love it Thank you!!
Adding to my favorites :heart:
#20 @journeyforth - Cutest card- Thank you! Happy Spring! and yes! I definitely plan on seeing the eclipse!!
#22 @alisonp2022 - My favorite animals are whale, manatee and peacocks but TBH I love all animals!!


Hi all! Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!

#1 Reporting my final 3 cards for March!

#8 @jenz88 - This card makes me chuckle every time I see it! It surely “spoke” to me! We love bike rides! I also love all the decorations and special touches on the message side! Thank you!

#12 @AllAboutTheBooks - Girl I love me some Ellie Roosie!! Your 6 word memoir is so relatable to me! It’s tough trying to remember who we are and what we want! Ms Swifty nailed it when she said “I’d like to be my old self again, but I’m still trying to find it.”

#23 @LLAcademy - These St. Patty’s Day images are fantastic! I love me some green so they are perfect for me! I’m so inspired by YOUR creativity! Once again, thank you so much for being you and such an absolute blessing to my life!! Love ya!


#23 Reporting :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I’m making much better time with my cards this round, most are traveling now, just a handful to go for April.
To send: 1, 3, 15, 25

#1 @ReadWithMelissa Thank you for this cute March card, love love love all the decor, truth, and creativity on the back. Not sure if it was by accident or intentionally to save the artwork, but they canceled it on the bottom instead :slight_smile: So thankful for you! Lava you too! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

SENT: ALL :heavy_check_mark: / TO REC: 13, 20

Reporting a card for March!
#13 @darlindanz sent this beautiful blue/green waterfall card - I love it! Being in nature and around water specifically really soothes my soul. I’ve not been to too many places with this type of beauty but it is definitely on my bucket list. Thank you!

Only waiting on 9 & 13 :heart:


22 Reporting for March! #13 @volvomom an awesome Greece card! Such a cool one I love it!! :slight_smile:

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#13 Volvomom reporting in again with more from March! Awesome cards arrived from…

#4 @speechlady99 - Fun PaperSisters card (love their stuff!) with gorgeous, vintage stamps. You must have such patience to work in an elementary school!

#5 @anggenie - So cool! Bunnies at the airport by Nakisha.com. I definitely need to look them up because this design is absolutely adorable!

#18 @Hazygirl - Wow! Where did you find this Alice card? I’ve never seen it before, and my collection is in the hundreds. I just found a bunch of small frames in my closet (cleaning reveals so many things!) so I think I’m going to frame this for near my back door.

#22 @alisonp2022 - Such a cool stamps card! I’ve never received this from LouPaper - great colors and design! I hope that last spring break was amazing!

Thanks to all! Apologies again for the cards being out of order.
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Thank you for letting me join this group. It was right down to the wire, but I appreciate the welcome. It looks like I am the only one from the New England area. I live near Boston, MA.

I was so excited to get into another RR that I stayed up very late last night. Got all my addresses and stamps ready, then looked up everyone’s profiles to see what kind of cards they like. And believe or not…
All my cards were just dropped off at the post office.

Can I ask? What do the letters OC & E stand for? Maybe I should have asked this before sending the cards?

#5 reporting All Cards Sent

Thanks again


Oh we’re so happy to have you! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: In short it stands for Online Connection & Elation, here’s a quote from our host:

Great job on getting all your cards ready! Looking forwarding to receiving it and many more swaps to come! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

In this RR, you will share in your postcard messages and/or choice of postcards anything you’ve discovered ONLINE that makes you feel CONNECTED and/or ELATED!

Ladies, I have to apologize in advance. I did not write what makes me feel connected and or elated. I wrote general messages to everyone.

So I will tell you all right now.

Being invited to this group is what makes me feel ELATED!! I have been a Postcrossing member for 5 years and have had long periods of inactivity due to medical issues, or financial issues. I am sure you all have had your ups and downs, as well.

Last year I found Bingo games in the Forum section and decided to give it a try, but I still was not as active with my postcards as I should have been, so I did not do very well.

Just within the past few months I have started looking at all the topics in the Forums. And I have found so many great topics, great advice and really great people in here. Its gotten me really excited about sending and receiving cards, I have recently even decided to start collecting stamps because of the things I have learned through the Forum topics.

So to sum it all up. You are what makes me ELATED, and feel CONNECTED, even though we may never have spoken, or sent a card to each other, as of yet. Joining groups like this in the Forums has opened a whole new world to me and I love the interaction and newly found friendships I have made through this.
So Thank you to each and everyone of you!


@Sharontup, Welcome!! We are so happy to have you with us!

You are about to have a very happy mailbox! These gals are the best of the best!

The OC&E, just like most things in life, is what you make it! You sharing your heart with us gives me all the warm fuzzies!

So, there is no particular way to do it, but what you did was perfect!


#25 has mailed out all cards for April today :heart:

And has received the last card for March from:

#13 @volvomom -a lovely follow your dreams postcard from Ishi the rock. I went to the website and that’s so cute haha! I hope you have a wonderful vacation, Kristin! We just got back from the mountains a few days ago! Going to relax and do nothing this week!

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#18 @LLAcademy sent an excellenty Irished up Hokusai. Love it!

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#13 Volvomom checking in again for March!

Three great cards!

#2 @hjbcats - Love both the poem and illustration for the Edgar Allan Poe card!

#6 @sarabb - Oh wow! This is the only second card I’ve ever received that glows in the dark! I absolutely love it! The bunny playing the piano is wonderful!

#23 @sarahgrab1 - A female scientist card! I so enjoy this series as I feel I learn something new each time.

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Thanks to all!


I know I have until the 18th to get cards out but I’m struggling. I lost my pup Percy yesterday pretty unexpectedly and I’m having a difficult time processing. I will get cards out. Just might take me a bit.


@kat4544 Sending you hugs and love today