No thank you messages?

Sorry if it’s a stupid question… But where do you see a message from a postcrosser who received postcard? I don’t see an inbox, so I feel a bit confused.:thinking:

You will get them via E-Mail :slight_smile:


Thanks a lot!:heart:

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Postcrossing is not just exchanging cards for me. So the “Thank you mail” is important for me, too. Im glad, when my card arrives and happy, when the receiver even likes it. When I open my mailbox and find a card, Im always happy. That`s what I can write everytime I register a card. Even an ugly card in my box makes my day. It is always better than an empty one. I can thank for a message or for a beautiful stamp instead.


well I think we should never generalized as for the first time I didn’t get a “than you message” and it’s a russian person… I also answer back my thank you messages because I find it nice and polite :slight_smile: I guess every person is different and that’s ok! :slight_smile:

I agree! :slight_smile:

Yes :smiley: !! And I got even more excited when I received an e-mail (twice) telling me that my sent postcard has been marked as favorite by the person! <3


I take the time to write a note. Just like the person who has taken the time to choose me a postcard write on, it take it to the postshop buy it a stamp and post it


The majority of the time I do receive a thank you message, but there have been times that I haven’t and it is sad and really a bit irritating for me. Like many others have said, I always leave a thank you regardless. I just believe that it is courteous.
And it just gives a good feeling to know that they appreciate your time and effort.


I’m new, so not a lot of cards sent. However, I did have one marked received with no message. Didn’t bother me that once, but regularly would become dreary. The rest of the messages have been, on average, what I’d hoped to see.


I’ve only gotten one empty hurray message so far, and while it was disappointing (much like getting a postcard with only a few words is) I didn’t take it personally at all. I’m sure the receiver just never writes them, and I don’t think it reflects how much they appreciate the cards they receive at all. More likely, they are trying to limit their time in front of a computer screen, can’t type, or for personal reasons struggle with saying “thank you” in general.

I always write something myself, though I will admit short boring postcards get short boring thank yous, because there’s not much that can be said in response to “Happy Postcrossing” except “Thanks, same to you.”


Hurray!message is optional.

If you do not wish to write a message it’s fine as well.
For what ever reason or no reason at all. The most important to me is that my cards get registered. A Hurray!message is a bonus.


I did exactly same thing for my first 3-4 cards :rofl::rofl:

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So, when I register a card I always usually write thank you. Sometimes more depending on what the person writes.

For tags I’m way bad at this. Mainly because Postcrossing messaging area is poorly set up and unorganized. There should be an overhaul on it that way you can search by username - archive instead of removing yourself from the convo and flagging things or importance so that you can refer back. Maybe folders?

So, I’ve been thinking of just replying in the threads of tags received but that takes time vs a message IMO. But I need to get better at doing it for sure.


You can search your inbox by username though. Just make sure you are in your inbox before you click the magnifying glass and it becomes easier.

WHAT?! I didn’t know this!!! Thank you!! Still wish it was set up a bit better but this is super helpful!!!

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Before I register my card, I don’t have much clues about the sender.
So if I have something to talk about the card or answer the question in their words.
I can write more than a ‘Thank you’ . But , at least, I will say ‘Thank you’ to those who spend their time for this postcard.

So, I tried what you suggested. It shows the user but doesn’t pull up old messages.

Have you tried searching with @username? Or you could try @username in:personal

Thanks for the tip - i’ll try. I’ve just been doing Command F and searching that way but it isn’t as convenient.