Moments in Shanghai Meet-up on June 24 2023

:world_map: CITY: SHANGHAI
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: 2ND FLOOR,NO 835 HUAIH AI ROAD(M.) 星巴克(人民坊店)2层 淮海中路835号
:calendar: DATE: June 24 2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: FROM 10:30-12:30
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
Given that the space is limited and it takes time to print postcards,there is deadline of signing up and the number of participants is limited this time.
报名截止时间:2023年6月13日 20点30分。
The deadline: 20:30 June 13 2023
The number of participants:15

Event notice
1 片刻上海Postcrossing线下聚会为PC爱好者线下聚会活动,并非联名团,没有“团长”与“团员”的概念。
Moments in Shanghai is a postcrossing meet up. It is not a group.

2 活动本着线下见面交流为主,PC联名片为辅的原则,获取PC联名片的途径就是到现场参加活动并与大家交流。不囤片,不代领,不寄快递或者挂号平信。如活动组织者因不可抗力因素取消或者延期活动则另有具体安排。原则上不禁止提前营业互寄,但如果最终因为个人原因缺席活动,组织者也不会单独保留你报数的片。
If you want to have these postcrossing meet up postcards,please come to this meet up.

3 如果片刻上海的活动时间与上海的其他活动存在时间冲突,请大家自行做好选择与安排。线下聚会活动是为了见面交流,如果只是为了拿片而来则与活动目的不一致,欢迎在有时间,不用匆匆而来匆匆而去的时机来参加片刻上海的活动。
Please get your time fully into meet up and enjoy it. Don’t be rush please.

4 报名方法见下图。之后如果临时有事无法参加,请提前在PC论坛里私信组织者。如无法参加却没有提前告诉组织者则取消下一次的报名资格。只以PC论坛私信为准。累积三次报名最后缺席则取消这一年剩下活动的报名资格。只接受图上的报名方式。活动组织者给你发消息之后,你用来注册PC的邮箱也会收到通知,在PC的forum版块左上角也可以看到消息提示。
Please send me forum pm in if you would like to join us. Don’t forget to check your message boxes and e-mail.

5 禁止任何代购/代寄/将空白片放在信封里寄出/加价转让片刻上海PC联名片的行为,一旦发现永久拉黑。禁止任何将片刻上海PC联名片分给不来参加活动的人的行为,一旦发现永久拉黑。如果手上有多余片刻上海的PC联名片,可以在之后的活动中带来分给有需要的人。
Any commercial or profitable behavior is not allowed.

6 活动环节之一是每个参加活动的人当天都要至少选择一张PC联名片寄PC官片(通过Postcrossing抽地址寄出和收到的片),写完后交给组织者统一投递。活动现场组织者会先将大家想要寄出的片分给大家,收到大家写完的官片后组织者会将剩下的片分给大家。请确保活动当天至少有一个抽片名额。PC聚会片是交流途径而不是最终目的。
On the meetup,everyone should send a postcard on Postcrossing.

7 为避免活动当天发生不愉快的事,报名前请确定以上事项都接受并且可以做到。如有任何不明白的点请事先与组织者沟通。
If you have any question,please tell the organizer.

Hope you enjoy yourself.

Happy Postcrossing.

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I loved the postcards of your Meetup and would like to do a swap. can we swap it? I would like the watermelon postcard.
I can offer a postcard from my collection:
and I can offer the Meetup postcard I’ll have in Rio de Janeiro on June 24 (it is part of a set of postcards with the theme of a national celebration that we have here in Brazil called Festa Junina. I can offer what is marked RJ):

Rio de Janeiro Meetup - National multi city Meetup to celebrate “Festa Junina” - 24th June 2023

Hello,which one do you like?

Hello! Would like to exchange for these postcards

hello. I love this postcard. I would like to receive it. Maybe someone wants to exchange? Here is my exchange site

Hello! I really want to exchange for this postcard. My exchanger
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I would like to exchange