MELBOURNE: 22 September 2024 - World Postcard Day - UPDATED LOCATION

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Melbourne
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Activity Room 1, Kathleen Syme Library, 251 Faraday St, Carlton
:calendar: DATE: Sunday, 22 September 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 2 - 4 pm


I have updated the location for this meet up - I decided to book a room so there would be no problem if we get a large turn out. The library is just outside the CBD - Google maps link.

Directions for public transport - from Melbourne Central train station (Swanston Street entrance), get on any tram going north. Get off at Melbourne University (four stops); the library is right around the corner.

Bring along anything fun you’ve received that you’d like to show off - new maxicards, nice cancellations, rare countries, etc.


If you are interested in trading cards, bring along whatever you have to swap.


Please bring along a couple of blank cards to add to our prize pool, and we will have a raffle amongst everyone who attends.


We will organise meet up cards for the day, for the cost of printing (around 50 cents each, to be confirmed). I’ll update once the card design is finalised.

Anyone else is welcome to do one too.


:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.



I’ll be there!

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:raising_hand_woman:t2:I will be there

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I’ll be there!

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I’ll be here!

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Count me in for this one.

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Hello everyone, I’m quite new to Postcrossing but very much enjoying it. I would love to come along if I can, but I live in Ocean Grove so it is a bit of a journey for me. I’ll try, though!


Hope you can come Rich. One of our folk comes up from Geelong, so it is do-able!

Sing out if you have questions.

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I’ll be in Melbourne and would love to come!

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Hey, also kindof new! i did postcrossing in 2018 mostly but i’ve been getting back into it now :slight_smile: never been to a meetup so i would love to come!


yes, i will be there

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I’ll be there✋.

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I will be there! :raising_hand_woman:t2:

I’ll be there!

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Id’ like to attend :slight_smile:

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I‘ll be there!

I’ll be there!

I’m about 90% sure I can come. But will confirm closer to the day :slight_smile:

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Could I still join the meetup?

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