Meetup Ouddorp 23 June 2024 (vol)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Ouddorp
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Center Parcs Port Zelande (Port Zelande 2, 3253 MG Ouddorp)
:calendar: DATE: 23 June 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 13.00 PM
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Dear postcrossers,

On Sunday, June 23, I am organizing a meeting on the holiday park where we are staying that weekend.

The meeting starts at 1 p.m. and after talking for a while we start stamping/sticking/writing/pasting the meeting cards and meeting booklets.

After all the maps and booklets have been completed, we think it would be fun to all go adventure golfing in the park, which costs about 7 euros.

There is a shop at the park where you can buy postcards from the park and the surrounding area.

Parking is possible in the park’s parking lot, but this costs about 6 euros. Free parking is available at the beach near the park, but you still have to walk a bit.
Are you coming by public transport? Park is not close to a train station (but a bus stops near the park, line number 104) but perhaps you can arrange with someone to travel together by car from Goes/Rotterdam/Bergen op Zoom station

A few weeks before the meeting, I would like to create a WhatsApp group where we can communicate further/easier and which also includes the design of the meeting card and the number of the house where the meeting is located and a map of the park with directions. you arrive at the house.

If you are new to meetings, send me a private message and I will give you some explanation of how a meeting works.

Maybe on the list is possible but please let me know before 6 May 2024 if you come or not.

Mariska (Victoriairis)
Iris (irisandfleur)
Rowena (Rowena2403)
Frank (Frankie)
Marianne (bora1976)
Berry (berry_i)
Jolanda (jowie78)
Marianne (specialhorse)

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Thuis wedstrijd… ik kom graag =)

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@Frankie en ik sluiten ook graag aan .

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Oeh leuk! Graag OVB

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Ovb voor mij

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Leuk, maar nog wel met een OVB


Ik kom graag! ovb

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Leuk! Ik kom graag.

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Wat een leuk. Graag ovb. Moet even kijken of het met thuisfront geregeld krijg.

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Ik wil ook graag bijzijn wel ovb

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Sorry, ik moet afzeggen.
Heel veel plezier!

Dank je wel

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Sorry ik meld me ook af. Reizen is voor mij niet handig dus heel veel plezier en wil iemand anders blij mee maken


Nicolette ( Nicolientje58)

de parkeer kosten zijn 6,50 geworden :slight_smile:

Ik moet me helaas afmelden voor deze

Ik kom zeker :slight_smile:

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@Berry_i @specialhorse @pareltje21
Weten jullie al of je wel of niet kunt komen?

Ja, de OVB kan bij mij weg

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Als het lukt met ov wil ik wel komen

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@L3oni3 ik kom met de auto,misschien kan je ergens oppikken? Stuur maar even prive berichtje