Meetup in Kos town, Kos, Saturday 21 August 2021

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Kos town, Kos
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Museum Square/Eleftherias Square in Kos town (e.g. outside the museum)
:calendar: DATE: Saturday 21 August 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 19.30 / 7.30 pm
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Talk about postcrossing, write postcards, buy postcards

As I will be on holiday on Kos for 3 weeks from 13 August, there will be a meetup during my holiday.
I’ve been in contact with one postcrosser in Kos (date, time and meetup place is now decided and set up).

When we meet at the square, we decide where we will go and have something to drink/eat. If anyone needs to buy postcards, many places in the area got postcards for sale.

If there are anyone else on holiday on Kos at the same time, we would love it if you also want to come to this meetup. I think this is the first Postcrossing meetup on Kos.

I’m not planning to make a meetup card for this meetup.



Seems like @Phibatola can attend too :grin:

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So happy, I can’t wait! I’m sure we will have a wonderful time!

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It will be so nice to have a meetup Kos.

I do have 5-6 of this postcard with me.

Will also have this postcard (have an order for some more which I hope I’ll receive before I travel).


So happy for this meet up!!!Cant wait!!!

Is this meeting happening?

Yes, it will take place as I managed to book a new fligt to Kos through Athens.

hello… :vulcan_salute:
i’m interested in swap FOTW Greece, if the participants will sign the card, i’ll be happier… :tada: :confetti_ball:

Hello, may I swap with FOTW Greece?
My offer is here:

Hello from Berlin, Germany! I can‘t join the meeting but have been to Kos before and loved it. I recently started postcrossing and will join my first meetup at Berlin Zoo next Monday :lion::orangutan:

I would love to swap a card with you from Greece, the country card is my favorite but any will be fine. Maybe everyone can sign?

I can send a zoo meetup card in return or a Berlin card or something illustrated.

Sunshine, Stancy

Are you in kos?

tickets booked

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Hello I would like to swap. I can offer card from our meet-up in Samara or look in swap album - Обменник – 80 Bilder | VK

Hi Stacy . We do not have a meeting card. If you are ok with regular card

ok no problem, I got that wrong. Yes, a card from Kos (touristy, saying Kos) would be amazing. I’ll send you a pm :slight_smile:

May I ask you to send me a postcard from the meeting? I will definitely answer.
My purchase cards Обменник – 605 Bilder | VK
From my photos Обменник - мои фото – 36 Bilder | VK

Can I swap for FOTW Greece?

I can offer:

Sorry, but no swap is possible as all cards (GF an FOTW) will be used for official cards.