(1 plekje vrij!) 12 October 2024 - Meeting + workshop delden (ov)

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Delden, Overijssel NL
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: My Home
:calendar: DATE: October 12th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11 - 17/18 h
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

Hellooo Postcrossers,

On Saturday October 12th, I would love to have my Second meeting at our house which includes a workshop again. The Scedual is down below :point_down::arrow_down::point_down:

:flight_arrival: 10:30 - 11:00 arrival

:open_book: 11:00 - 13:00 writing meetingcards and books

:plate_with_cutlery: 13:00 - 13:45 lunch

:label: 13:45 - 17/18h Workshop

For this meeting will be designed a meeting card. Costs and ordering cards will follow. Keep an eye :eye: on the thread, will post it as soon as I know the prise.
The price = 0,60 cents

You can only order cards when you attend the meeting. If you can’t come cards will not be stamped.

This time you may choose:

Option 1: I ll make an order at a restaurant and will ask you what you like to eat. Lunch will be payed in advance by tikkie. Will send you the lunchcard of the restaurant in the WhatsApp group I make.

Option 2: You can bring your own food prepared and ready to eat.

Workshop and drinks :cup_with_straw::
In this workshop we are going to make tags :label:.
I ll prepare a kit were you can work with during the meeting.
Costs for the workshop and drinks are 10€.
No refund if you can t come, because I had to buy materials for the workshop.

For example… this is a tag I made:

Available drinks: :coffee:, :teapot:, :droplet:, ranja, cola light, sinas light and Icetea.

Travelling towards Delden:
We have a treinstation and I can pick you up. Or you may choose to walk for 20 minutes.
If you come by car, there are parkinglots for :free: around the house :house:.

More Information will follow at the time being.

If you attend the meeting with OVB or MAYBE then this has to be confirmed befor August 12th. After this you will be removed from the list and the next one in line may participate.

Normal version

Shaped tag :label: version




  1. Helen - @LiveLaughLoveLeafs
  2. Liv (daughter Helen)
  3. Joyce - @HealingSteps
  4. Mariska - @VictoriaIris
  5. Iris - @IrisenFleur
  6. Annemieke - @Kabouter63
  7. Jessica - @itsagoldsky
  8. Ilse - @ilsj
  9. Marianne - @bora1976
  10. Heleen - @blijdatikschrijf
  11. Marina - @electricmum
  12. Ilse - @Jaynillo
  13. Florisca - @Florisca
  14. Caroline - @Carolien25




:point_up: Please make sure to read the Meetup Guidelines before signing up for a meetup.


Ik ben er graag bij :heartpulse:


Wij komen graag (Iris @IrisenFleur en ik)

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I would love to come too :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Gezellig :heart_eyes: dames :heart_hands:


Ik ben erbij :slight_smile:
Moet alleen waarschijnlijk vroeg naar huis (rond 4)


Wat leuk Jessica.
Geen probleem :wink:

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jessica ik ben graag weer van de partij

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Lijkt me leuk,maar ovb. Even kijken hoe mijn rooster is tegen die tijd


I love creative workshopsπŸ˜ƒ Please count me in!


@electricmum bij deze :heart_hands:

Ik doe graag weer mee, schrijf me maar in

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Hallo, ik zou graag deelnemen. Kan je mij ovb noteren?

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Ja leuk ik kom graag, maar voor nu nog wel op ovb


Ik kom graag :blush:

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Would love to come

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Mag ik op de wachtlijst?

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Zeker Maria :kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

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Ik meld me graag aan (reserve - wachtlijst) :face_with_monocle:

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Helaas :smiling_face_with_tear: blijkt dat ik al iets heb op 12/10 en ik moet een keuze maken. Je mag mij van het lijst afhalen

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