Meeting Namur - 4 November 2023


I was on the maybe-list, but I can’t make it that weekend.
So unfortunately I have to cancel.


Dat is jammer dat je er ni bij kunt zijn, ik zat bij jou aan de tafel in Antwerpen

Hey ja,
echt jammer he. De treinen en bussen hebben dan veel omleiding vanuit Turnhout. Ben het gaan navragen in de Lijnwinkel.
Ik geraak er gewoon niet.
Hopelijk is volgend jaar alles gerepareerd en kan ik wel komen.
Normaal gesproken kom ik wel naar Brugge met mijn nicht.

Groetjes Marijke

Hi Raquel,
Can you put me on the “maybe” list. I let you tomorrow in Bruges know if I can come to Namur. Just have to see with my work.
I want 15 cards each if possible
See you tomorrow
greetings Pascale

I would also like to come to the meeting.

Hey Raquel, can you put me on the waiting list, please :pray:. Greetings, Christel - Belske

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I would like to join this meeting :blush:
I would like 5 cards of each design.
Thank you,

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oh zut, on est en congé :frowning:

a pity!

I can’t come anyway, just forget my last post :grimacing: Forgot that we have other plans that day,

Please put me on the maybe list


I will come. see you in Namur.
greetings Pascale

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The first card is adorable. I would love to swap.

My offers:

Looking for an exchange

I should definitely be able to make it. If it’s not too late 10 postcards of each.

Confirmed… I will be in Namur but arriving 11h30 :smile:
Happy to see all of you.
Fabienne (Chacha58)


I checked my train for tomorrow and I will arrive at 10h13 in Namur.
Is there a phone number so I can contact you to ask where you are once I have arrived?

you can contact me 0032492153859


Ik ben al in Namur. Hotel Ibis centre. I am already in Namur hotel ibis centre. See you all tomorrow.
Greetings Pascale (Pabalie)

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