Mail to China (2022 temporary suspension)

China Post has become much better about delivering mail they receive now, but the old mail that they refused to handle doesn’t seem to be important to them.


@Syyksen This topic is only about cards sent from other countries to China, not for cards that are sent from China.


Oh sorry. My bad. edited:smile:

I drew 5 addresses today, of which 3 are going to China, I really hope they arrive because I know they will make the receivers very happy! :grin:


I’m glad people in China are finally getting their cards. But it must be disheartening for the flood of new Postcrossers today whose first cards are likely to travel for a long time.


3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Are your postcards reaching Russia?

I sent one yesterday to China, I am sure it will arrive!


Now within couple of days I got addresses to China, all giving the address in Chinese as well.
And as always, I write it like that, but now after two long addresses, I feel weird :smile: I think I activated some sleeping part in my brain. So this must be good.

The previous one is travelling over 200 days, so lets hope these are a little more faster :grinning:


Another postcard has arrived in China after 64 days. :partying_face: Looks like things are starting to get better.


I was on “inactive mode” for several months and returned to “active mode” about a month ago. While inactive, I had sent off probably about 20 official cards, most of them were registered. Therefore I expected to receive quite a few after I had become “active” again…
Well, so far I have received only one, from Germany, that took about two weeks to come…
I have sent more than 40 cards this past month, those to China arrived quickly, one to Japan too, and one to Germany but the rest? Where are they?
I know that this topic is about cards sent TO China, but if I mention cards sent FROM China, this is because I start to wonder whether part of the problem might not be due to the postal systems of other countries too. Maybe the cards’ transit until they arrive in China is slow? Due to some reasons like strikes? lack of postal employees?Just a suggestion…


A month to China isn’t that slow. Also, Chinese addresses are still being given on a limited basis I believe, rather than the usual 1:1.

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So for example the long travel time and not arriving would be because of Finnish post too, not only China post?

Could be of course, but if and when the problems are/were only to China, the suspension has been the right decision.

Remember, the postcrossing team can see to what countries mail travels and to what it doesn’t. (Edit. meaning that if mail from Finland to China doesn’t arrive, but mail to other countries does, and if mail from other countries doesn’t arrive to China, but does to other destinations, then most likely the fault is not (only, and maybe not even partly) in other countries post.)


Yes, I think this has an impact. The U.S. Postal Service is sometimes so slow, and getting a speedy card from here often feels like luck is required on both ends. A lot of the travel times on my U.S. to U.S. cards don’t look much different from my cards going anywhere else in the world, for example.


Maybe don’t send anymore for awhile…wait and let the postal systems catch up to you

What is the latest update about mail to China. This looks to be almost a year old.

Most backlogged mail from Chine (e.g. for round robins) has arrived, tho there are a few stray cards. I’ve also started getting official cards as well as am drawing official cards to send. So, it seems China is back in my officials rotation.

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I did not mean that the suspension was wrong, to the contrary I did support it (see some older posts of mine). I meant that right now, let us say in the last three months when the situation has been almost completely normal in China so far as the postal service is concerned (at least for the mail going to/coming from big cities), the long delays (a month is long considering that now most international airlines have regular flights!) do look a bit weird.
I mail all my cards in Beijing and receive my mail at one of the most reliable addresses in Beijing, so as I cannot imagine that the Chinese postal service does not ship the outgoing mail within more than two days to abroad, I was only wondering what explains long delays in arrival to other countries… Especially considering that cards mailed to places in China do travel fast and the same to some countries like Japan. The travel times of cards sent TO China vary greatly according to the country they are sent from, and even depending on where in a same country they are sent from…So I guess I am excusable if I draw some (maybe hasty, I confess…) conclusions…
And I am in no way hinting that there should be suspensions in case the mail to/from a country is temporary very slow or almost never coming/going.
As for the cards that have been mailed to China last year or so when the local postal system was very disrupted, I guess they should no longer be taken into account NOW, and just considered lost… In 2020/2021, lots of cards also never made it to/from some countries due to the fall out of the pandemic there, I lost a lot of not only cards but also letters…

I do not understand how not sending cards for a while could help with the time they take to travel…


Yes, this I meant too with mentioning the Postcrossing team will see, if the delays are only to China (or some other country).If mail to other countries goes normally (or what is normal now), it’s likely the “fault” is in China mail. If all other countries are slower too, it’s both countries fault. And they will also see if the service is almost completely normal, and react accordingly.

For my cards from China, month has been normal as long I’ve been here.
I wouldn’t see that time as a delay, just within the normal.

This I disagree. If the mail was unreliable still four months ago, I think it’s good that it’s tested like it’s now (the Chinese addresses are given, but not in full amount ?). It should be evidence of continuous arriving, not just a temporarily some cards arriving to some places.

Most of the cards sent last year (that didn’t arrive) are still showing as travelling cards, it would be silly to think these only as lost, and fully trust all mail from now on suddenly will arrive.

(But I agree both parts affect the speed, of course. If the mail arrived to Germany only in few days, of course it’s not fully because of the German post, but also the sender country has been quick :slight_smile: same with slowness, but then if only few some country is slow or not arriving, I would think something’s wrong with that end.)

I suppose they will now follow the arrival of what was sent few days ago.
I really hope they will arrive :slight_smile:

I don’t know the answers to your questions, nor do I want to try to guess.
I’m just glad that mail systems function so we can send and receive happy mail, no matter how long it might take.