[CLOSED] LOTTERY: Vintage card giveaway to celebrate 1000 cards sent

Hi all

As of 3pm 25th July I’m on 990 cards sent, so I’m expecting to hit the big 1000 soon, and to celebrate I’m doing my first ever lottery. I’ve had a couple of vintage cards for ages, and I’d like them to go to someone who really wants them.

There’s one of Godalming; the inspirational quote on the reverse from the Prime Minister makes me think that this was produced during wartime.

There’s one to celebrate the visit of the Prince of Wales to Ashbourne in 1928, which is a little interesting because the Prince of Wales at the time was the future Edward VIII

And there’s a book of postcards from Aire-sur-la-Lys in France, which I think my grandad must have bought. Judging by the clothes people are wearing in the pictures, I’m guessing it’s around 100 years old.

If you want to be in with a chance of winning these, comment with your name and a number next in sequence from the previous commenter. Once I hit 1000 postcards sent, I’ll update this post and then 24 hours later I’ll draw the lottery.

I’m posting this on the BI forum and it’s open to UK and Irish residents, but if anyone whose profile shows that they live in or around Aire-sur-la-Lys wants to enter then they’re welcome to join in. No entries from elsewhere in the world though please!

As I say, this is my first lottery, so if I’ve missed any vital information please let me know!


#1 @CountryWoman
#2 @EmmaEirene
#3 @mwntimperial
#4 @chrisbonham11
#5 @Natea
#6 @tesc


Hi Steve

This is not an entry but congrats on the big 1000! :tada::tada::clinking_glasses::clinking_glasses::partying_face::partying_face:

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Congratulations mate.

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap: :bouquet: :partying_face:
For your milestone :heart:

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Congratulations Steve :partying_face: huge achievement! @mwntimperial & @EmmaEirene i know you both love a vintage card x


These are fabulous, thank you for the lottery.

#1 @CountryWoman

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Congratulations Steve! Wow, 1000…

#2 @EmmaEirene What an incredible lottery. Thank you!
I have another picture of that football game. I love that era in history. His majesty visited our hospital in Leicester (where I trained), the same year, to open a children’s ward.
(Nice to say hello to you too)


Thank you, Steve. I’m so pleased for you and hope you get those final few under your belt soon! These cards are lovely and it’s super-kind of you to share them.

#3 @mwntimperial


Sorry, @iloveapples, this lottery is only open to people resident in the British Isles.

Could the next commenter take #4 please?

Sorry mate.

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Hi Steve!!
Lovely cards & congratulations on receiving a 1000 “Hurray” in your inbox. Wishing you many more.

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Not participating, but what a wonderful lottery to start with and celebrate your 1k milestone on postcrossing :heart_hands:
I love anything vintage and old b&w Postcards are my love)) That Prince Edward VIII card is fantastic!!!
Congratulations :tada:

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It’s almost time to draw this lottery, just two more cards to go, but first another landmark courtesy of CN-3792410 :grinning::grinning:
Screenshot 2024-08-02 180851


#4 @chrisbonham11

Thank you for a great lottery, @Steve_Francis, and many congratulations on your milestone! :postcrossing:

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#5 @Natea

Congrats on reaching this milestone Steve! Amazing cards to offer up too. Theres always something almost otherworldy feeling on looking back on scenes like this

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Rather amazingly, GB-1778789 reached New Zealand in only 10 days and became my 1000th sent card, so this lottery will be drawn tomorrow morning, Tuesday 6th July.

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#6 @tesc
Congratulations Steve that is an incredible achievement
I love vintage cards especially those including people/transport etcthat shows the period rather than just scenery - a type of time travel


@postbot roll 1d6

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:game_die: 4

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Congratulations @chrisbonham11

Let me have your address and I’ll get the cards sent to you.