✿ LOTTERY ✿ North America Winner of the Month (NA WOTM) ✿ November 2021

FREE PLAY ROOM! Have fun!!

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@ZelCher sends a Dr. Who card, thanks!

@LaurenceB great find, with this Mark Twain Cave. Thanks!


@crochetjessica. Thanks for the stamp collage

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Please send me the address!

Please send the address

@twinb99 nice Milwaukee Art Museum card

@KristinaGisela looks like a fun festival

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Wisconsin represent! :wink:

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Address sent to @sannah82 and @lesliebhall90

Received from:

@sannah82 cool loon

@MMMace I like this humpback whale, great stamps and Whalers logo drawing

I received a great bird card from @uconn! I guess I was the “fake winner” they gave you :smiley: Thanks for the awesome card, crazy that it took so long to arrive too :face_with_monocle:

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