[CLOSED] - PHQ 162 D-Day 6 June 1944 (UK Only)

Hi All :wave:t3:

In commemoration of tomorrow’s 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy :fr: I would like to offer the above PHQ cards to one UK based winner.

Please number yourself & I will ask Postbot to choose a winner on Sunday.

(This is a normal lottery, the winner is not obliged to host their own lottery.)


Thank you @EmmaG - this is such a generous offer of such an important event :heart:

#1 @jobloggs

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#2 @chrisbonham11

Thank you, @EmmaG !

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#3 @MartynHst43277

Such an important event thanks @EmmaG !

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#5 @elektrazz thank you so much.

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Wait uk only sorry

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Sorry @steph66 and @elektrazz this is a UK only give away.

Next person to enter should use #4 please x

#4 Fantastic cards, and it’s so important to remember and appreciate those who served.


#5 @Maddymail

Thank you @EmmaG

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#6 @Yorkshire_Lad

Thanks for the lovely lottery prize.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.


#7 @CEBooth

Thank you for the lottery Emma

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Thanks to everyone for taking part :blush:

@postbot roll1d7

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @postbot display help.

I’ll try again…

@postbot roll 1d7

:game_die: 6

Phew :face_exhaling: I got it right that time!

Congratulations @Yorkshire_Lad I will get those sent out to you this coming week x


Many thanks for hosting this lottery and for picking my name as the winner ( ok that was postbot ), I look forward to receiving my prize.



Well done @Yorkshire_Lad and what a great lottery @EmmaG - thank you!