July 11th,2021 - 9th Postcrossing meetup In Taiyuan,Shanxi .Province CHINA

:world_map: PROVINCE: Shanxi
:world_map: CITY: Taiyuan
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Starbucks
:calendar: DATE: July 11 , 202 1
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14** :00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Meeting some friends!


Many greetings from Germany and happy postcrossing.
Sorry to sneak in. I just saw your beautiful Meetup postcards. :heart_eyes:
Any chance to ask for a direct swap?

Hi, can i swap? I cam offer from out meet up or my swap album


Hi,sorry I don’t read forums very often。I didn’t attend this meeting

Hi,sorry I don’t read forums very often。I didn’t attend this meeting :sweat_smile: