Ive been told my address is invalid! *problem solved, user is a numpty!*

Thank you! You found me on IG too, can’t wait to see more of your beautiful postcards and letters. I’m not too far away either :slight_smile:

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You’ll soon find your feet @little_star and the BI forum are super friendly & helpful. Talk :email: soon I hope.

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@little_star I’ll close this topic soon, as the problem has been solved.

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I often do the name as floating text above if it’s just one line too short, or else I write small and put two lines of text between some lines on the card. If the lines aren’t long, I would just put two of the given lines of text on one line (especially for UK addresses, where the ‘official’ address is often way more info than is actually needed). If it’s really not going to work, I’d write it on a pretty piece of paper or post-it and glue it on as part of decorating.


Yes that would be great, thank you! :blush:

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