[International Swap & Penpal] Offer/Request topic

Hello there!

Anyone wants to receive Japanese-themed (mostly touristic view cards) postcards sent from UK? I am an almost 36-year-old Japanese female currently living in UK and I have a massive pile of those cards with me, which I had stocked up when I was still in Japan.
Would be nice if I could receive a card from you as well in return, as the postage here is rather expensive.
Please DM me if you are interested, so that we cound arrange a swap!

I’m also looking for a small number of new penpals,

Thank you and Happy Postcrossing!



はじめまして♪ Nice to meet you! ペンパルやポストカード文通友達を募集します!:sunflower:

ディズニーとか、占いとか、かわいいイラストとか、かわいいキャラクターとか好きです♡ 日記に書くことや縫いすることも好きです♡

英語を書くもOKです! I’m happy to communicate in English as well!


Please U2U me if you are interested! Happy to exchange postcards or letters🌻



Thank you all for your help. She was really excited by all the mail. Postcrossing is such a lovely community.

A friend of mine is learning Japanese and her Birthday is around the corner.
I would be pleased if we could arrange some swaps. I will send you a card of your liking, if I am able to and would be pleased to receive a Birthday card written in easy Japanese for her. She loves cats, space, Japanese tradition and Japanese landmarks.

Looking forward to your PM.


Trying my luck here since I’m stating specific topics.

Anyone here wants to swap card or even letter? I really like Kasane from Daruma Matsura and it’d be interesting to talk about it with someone who knows the original work in Japanese, since I read the English version. I also dig Cihayafuru for years, and starting to look over the competitive caruta competition on YouTube. The news about it is so limited in English, and gtranslator doesn’t really help, so someone who’ll talk about caruta in general would be nice too. Or did you have a card from Oumi Jingu? I’ll swap it with similar landmark site that sport related in Indonesia.

But most importantly, we could talk about anything if we want to be friends. So don’t worry, hit me up!:blush:

Hello! My name is Chen Nuo. You can call me Violet. I like reading, writing letters, watching movies, dancing and English. I want to make a pen Pal, I hope you are from Korea :kr:, Japan :jp:, UK :uk: and other places! Wherever you are from I welcome :blush: Hope we can exchange some postcards and write to each other! Thank you for your :kissing_heart:

I love Japanese culture and I’d like to exchange postcards with you from time to time.
However, the variety of postcards that I can buy in my country its quite limited, mostly city views (my town is so beautiful and with much history, though) or related to books. You can check my wall of postcards sent for better understanding.
Tell me if you’re interested :slight_smile:
P.S.: postage is really expensive here as well! :frowning:


Hi, I have one postcard about Kids on the slope and another about Samurai 8, if you’re interested in those mangas.


I am currently living in France, and I have a small collection of stamps issued in France and postcards purchased from French museums. (Especially masterpieces!) I’d love to have a pen pal or a card pal who can tell me a lot about the ACG culture, the Japanese history, or whatever anecdote that’s taken place in your life!

Language-wise, I speak Chinese, English, and French. But I’ll be really happy if you can write to me in Japanese!

Please DM me if you’re interested, and happy Postcrossing!


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こんにちは、私は中国からの学生です。 私は日本のペンパルを探しています、私たちは手紙を書いたり、はがきを送ることができます、私は日本語を理解していないが、私はいくつかを学ぶことができ、あなたが興味を持っている場合は、私にメッセージを送ることができます。








Hi, i would like to swap letters too,
I am 23 from Bangalore India.

hello, i am very much interested in exploring new cultures hence i enjoy watching various content online, have watched very few Japanese content yet slowly learning a lot. would love to swap postcards related to culture and history.

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I am in the us and would love to send/receive with someone from Japan! Please let me know! I like to make handmade cards if anyone is interested in that at all

こんにちは、NishikinoKaki816さん、初めまして!harumiです。メッセージとても嬉しいです。もちろんです。交換よろしくお願いします。(^^) 送付先の住所を教えてください。中国語でも多分書けると思います。

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[request/ swap only with Watashidayori わ たしだより]

Hello there!
I am collecting Watashidayori わたしだよえい cards while I was traveling in Japan, I missed card from 鹿児島 限定. The post office was closed when I visited. Anyone would help me it will be much appreciate.

There are some few places I dont have yet since i will come back to visit next year but if you also have these cards and want to swap please let me know:

鹿児島 限定, 名古屋 限定, 金沢 加賀八幡起上り, 飛騨高山 限定, 信州 限定, 仙台 限定, 青森 青森めぐり, 青森 弘前城, 沖縄 限定, 香川 讃岐うどん, 北海道 北海道満喫, 北海道 エゾシカ, 北海道 小樽 運河

I have cards from Norway to swap or if you are collecting WT, GF, MOTW, FOTW, World Fashion please drop me a message. Swap only for watashidayori. Thank you so much.


To Japanese postcrossers: I’m looking for postcards showing Kumano region (routes and trails, landscapes, temples, shrines, nature, everything related to Kumano Kodo and Kii paeninsula), written and stamped from origin.
In exchange, i can send you postcards from Italy or stationery items such as stickers and wax seals.
Waiting for your feedback!



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你好! Zhuyuhua! It is still available. :grinning: Please let me know your mailing address.