1 October 2022 - Minsk - World Postcard Day Meetup 2022

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Minsk, Belarus
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Hotel “Belarus”, st. Storozhovskaya 15, 2nd floor, Minsk, Belarus.
:calendar: DATE: October, 1st, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 11:00 - 16:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:
11:00 - 15:00 - signing cards
15:00 - 16:00 - visit to central post office

All participants are welcome!

Следите за новостями здесь Postcrossing Meet up in Minsk | VK Открытка доступна для заказа. Ограничений по числу участников нет.


:world_map: CITY/REGION: Minsk, Belarus
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: false address removed by the Administrator
:calendar: DATE: October, 1st, 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME:
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: postcards signing, communication

Our group VK Фандомные встречи Беларуси


I would love to swap for one of these cards if anyone is willing…

I collect postcards Star Wars, Harry Potter, Tollkin. If you have something to offer write DM

Hi! I would like to exchange for postcard from 1 oct 2022 WPD Meetup in Yerevan (Armenia)

I would like to swap a postcard from your meetup in Minsk

Буду рада обмену)

Would like to exchange the cards for Delhi WPD meetup cards 2022
Delhi meetup card 2

I will be posting them on OCT 1
Interested in this swap?
Please PM me before OCT 1!
Best Wishes for the meetup!