How would you feel about receiving this postcard

I would love it!


I love this card too, have a liking for weird and scary stories. :blush:


I love traditions and folklore. The image on the card does scare me somewhat, but then the Krampus figure should look like it does.
I would prefer getting a card from the European regions where the Krampus figure is part of the traditional December folklore/festivities.

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I love it :joy:


Dreadful for me🤣


I really love it… a bit scary when I imagine I’m the child… but love such things ^^

I don’t know it so it could be a bit weird, but with some explanation on the backside i would like it :slight_smile:

Omg you got a krampus card how lucky I want one so bad I love love love krampus!!! So cool !


Krampus? I don’t want to!

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I’m a scaredy cat, so I would be a bit scared of the card. But if you explained the context behind it, I think I would enjoy it.

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I LOVE IT. :heart_eyes:

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It’s certainly different. I wouldn’t mind recieving it.

My best friend would love it…she is really into the Krampus thing, although I’m not really sure what it is

My advice would be Order as many as you want.

If you don’t send a lot out through official card sending. You can always do private swaps and trades on the forums via lotteries, tags, and offers/trades/requests. We are in August now. December is 4 months away

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I would love it because it’s so unusual - especially if there was some explanation about it on the back.

I would LOVE a Krampus card.
I love Santa. But 10/10 would choose Krampus card over Santa card. More unique :blush:


I would be happy to find that card in my mailbox.

I think it’s a great card! Never heard of Krampus before, so it would have prompted me to look it up.

I would love it! Think my daughter finds it scary (she collects the received postcards) but she is 6 and does not know Krampus

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This is totally awesome.
(Until it becomes some sort of a meme or another trend, and then it will start getting boring)

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