How do you store or display your postcards?

It’s so nice!!!

Do you have a method for tracking the sender, origin, and date received?

I’d love to hear from anyone about their method of tracking date received.

I am not a collector, so my albums are arranged to be aesthetically pleasing for me. They are sorted by theme and colours, rather than countries or dates. I do have a pretty good visual memory, so that helps. Without going too much off-topic, I am more pen and paper than spreadsheet type of gal, keeping better track on my sent than received cards.


I’ve changed how I organize my unwritten cards for easier access. All of my cards are numbered to help me track them in my spreadsheet. I used to organize my cards by topic, like my digital album but found that organizing them by number is much more productive (pictures below). My next organization task is going to be my received cards. Yikes! Wish me luck.


There are so many nice ideas here about how to display your cards :slight_smile: we will move into a bigger place soon and I look forward to finding a solution for myself :hugs:


I’ve only been doing this hobby a couple of months so far but I got this acrylic postcard display that I keep on my desk and I just switch out the front postcard every time I receive a new one! It probably won’t be great long term but for now it’s perfect!


I love this idea! The fact you can change the front postcard to the latest one you received (or display your favourite) is really nice.

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I found these photo storage containers at The Container Store and I bought a few so I could better sort and organize my postcards. Each carrying case comes with 12 mini containers that can hold 100 4x6 postcards each. The Container Store also has mini containers that hold 100 5x7 postcards and I have a couple of those, too. Any postcard larger than that goes into a photo box. I’m quite happy with this storage solution!


Received postcards get displayed on my mantel.

Then my very favourites move over to the side of my bookcase for long term display

Then my daughter had the idea to use the cat postcards as decor for our cat :crazy_face:

The remainder get stored/ displayed differently depending on whether I like the front side or the reverse side/stamps best


I really like your vintage cards, I personally like the charm.

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Does anyone put their postcards in a photo album or binder? Or do y’all hang 'em up? My sister keeps hers in a drawer, but I want somewhere special for mine. So what does everyone else do?

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I’ve never used albums or binders. I have always used colorful 4X6 Photo boxes. Before I insert my postcards into the boxes, I insert each card into a plastic sleeve. It’s important to get sleeves that say “No PVC.” Pictured is the brand I use. Hope that helps…


Update I ended up getting a photo album for them! it can house both horizontal & vertical ones, and has space for me to put a brief description. I love it!

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I’ve been thinking about doing this for a while, and given we’re on lockdown, I got stuck into it. Turned a little golden book into an album. I’ve only got a small amount of cards, but it’s already chunky. If I keep doing this next year, I might do another book for 2022. Attached with washi tape on one side, so I can still read the message


i’ve created a postcard wall !


I bought this golden book but would never have thought to use it for this purpose. Creative thinking :thinking:


My collection is rather large, and I trawled the shops, postcard in hand to measure sizes, until I found these drawers…
They are all in country order, with a map to refer to should I need to.
I have at least one card from most countries.
There is another 5 drawer set just for the UK, separated into counties, in another corner of the study!
As you can see from the second photo, my German cards take up nearly one drawer!
Before they get filed in the drawers, they are displayed on my mantel in the dining room.
As I take part in tags and RRs that cater to viewcards, I rarely get others. The others, mostly from penpals, are in a shoebox.
Edit: I have just counted the postcards in that drawer, and it’s about 800…I have 25 drawers of approx 800 cards = 20,000 :scream: perhaps I should seek help…!


I put my name on the red leather zipper case i was given in bedazzled Letter stickers


That looks great.
What do you keep in the zippered folder?

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