How do you store or display your postcards?

I store the ones I receive in albums, although sometimes I display my favorites on a magnetic notice board along with my magnets. :slight_smile:
The ones I bought to send are stored in a metal box with stickers, envelopes, washi tape and stamps.


These Postcard-Books are not so expensive :wink:


I’m using a photo album for now -

When this is filled, I’ll probably switch to a different sort of album as I don’t totally love the sticky pages for this one.


I bought this 4x6 photo album. I like it because the design is fitting, most of my postcards are smaller so they fit inside, and it’s so nice having them all together.

What I don’t like is that there is a layer between the two sides of the inserts, so you can’t read the reverse of the card without removing it. So I’ve been doubling up (two postcards in each insert with the design facing outward) which means the book is getting really thick already and I’m worried it won’t close properly once it’s full…


What wonderful storage ideas do you have :v:t2: I just joined the community, I hope to show off my storage ideas soon.

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My received cards are hung on a whiteboard archive my desk and old makes way for new cards. Unwritten cards, stickers, tape, stamps and stationary are in two sets of drawers. One on my desk, one (bigger) under. Works perfectly!

Store and Organize: Shoe and boot boxes currently store most of mine. Love the stamp covered boxes. Organized into a dozen or so of my favorite topics. If not one of those, then by country. Also a separate box for those really special cards.

Display: I hung a rack from a storage system on the wall and use clothespins to display a theme, currently autumn. I might paint or washi tape the pins, or find smaller ones. But neutral is a good look, too.


I’m impressed with so much organization. Over 12 years in postcrossing and I still don’t have a storage system.


This is exactly why I am reading this thread. In a perfect world every postcard has the same size. I mean: in a perfect world for people who want to store postcards in photo albums :wink:


Oeh, dank!

This is wildly creative and I love it

I keep my postcards in a little photo album I bought at Walmart. I’ve decorated the inside with washi tape and stickers. I keep notes about the cards–things like their ID number, where they’re from, and my initial thoughts upon seeing them (or things I think are important about them). I also have postcards from penpals and ones that I’ve bought on vacation, and I document those in different colors.


Love your wall!

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i put all in my plastic bag. Magic bag i called it.


Since I only have 140 cards, I keep them in a ziploc bag until I can find a box. But I did buy 2 picture frames to display them as they arrive. Here’s one of them :))


I NEED those! :hushed: :hushed:


I love this - and YAY STARGATE! :wink:



Hi. I store my postcards in the box. But I will have to buy another one soon! :wink: :muscle:

Hi there!

We’re brand new to and have only sent 2 postcards thus far (and not yet received any). Our plan as of right now is to display the postcards in our living room. We hung up some twine between a few hooks above our tv/fireplace area, and plan to clip them there using clothespins. Once we get too many, we’re thinking of “retiring” the older ones into boxes.

Of course, this is still a work-in-progress. Definitely interested in looking into some of the storage suggestions we’re seeing on this thread!

Mychal and Tara